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Everything posted by ThePugman

  1. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    They increase your immunity to sickness
  2. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    @ImpulZ Just a couple of questions: "Fixed: Infected are now chasing only non dynamic targets" - What does this mean, exactly? "Tweaked: Bandaging using a rag or bandanna no longer causes the wound infection, because wound infection had no effect on player characters" - Is this something that will be revisited in the future, or has the idea been scrapped?
  3. ThePugman

    Aim assist

    @stephen321 Nice! It’s quite interesting to see it in action.
  4. ThePugman

    Aim assist

  5. ThePugman

    Car wheels

    Car lights are triggered by the L key on PC, which is the same as NVG. As soon as they fix NVG, you’ll have car lights, too.
  6. ThePugman

    Aim assist

    @TrapphoneBut if everyone has it, it’s fair, surely?
  7. ThePugman

    Aim assist

    From what I’ve heard, aim assist only applies to zombies.
  8. ThePugman

    How to ruin a private server.

    This is a screenshot from @aux7 and @Lt.Master has explained the meaning of the following: “count_in_cargo => Inventory of a car mostly, in the future it would be use for house containers that can't be moved count_in_hoarder => Inventory of a containers that can be moved/placed/build by a player (barrels/sea chest/tent/backpack/protector case) count_in_map => stuff on the ground like a placed tent, a car, an item, mushrooms, heli crash count_in_player => player inventory and player hands” Hope this helps!
  9. ThePugman

    How to ruin a private server.

    Yes. The only way it could affect it, is if they log back in, and the amount of a specific weapon has exceeded the maximum allowed on a server at once... but that would just mean they wouldn’t spawn until the number drops. e.g. 3 is the maximum number of VSS allowed... 3 people find one and log off.... 3 more would spawn. The first 3 log back on... Now there are 6 on the server... no more will spawn until the number on the server is below 3 again. Remember, guns in containers, and stashes DO count.... BI added craftable crates recently. So weapons in storage has become easier than ever.
  10. ThePugman

    How to ruin a private server.

    Logging off with weapons shouldn’t affect the loot economy. The only guns that are counted are ones that exist on the server. This is just how DayZ is right now. M4s, AKs, SVDs, Fals, VSS, etc. Are incredibly rare. Guns at bases and in stashes DO count. Those are likely the biggest offenders.
  11. ThePugman

    Dayz: Being killed by a invincible zombie

    @Mikaxo I could be wrong, but I believe that’s a classic case of desync. I think the server is reading your position as right next to the zombie. It’s likely that when you were shooting it, you were really firing in a different direction.
  12. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    On a recent livestream, Sumrak said it would be disabled, FOR NOW. That’s like saying the sky is blue. The whole point of experimental is to make it as glitch-free as possible, before it goes to stable. Make sure you report all the bugs you encounter here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/tag/dayz/ Again, Sumrak hinted that the car issues should be fixed before it hits stable. An interesting thing to note, is the wording of the opening line of the patch notes: ”We have just released the INITIAL 1.05 experimental update.” I remember noticing that at the time. Now I wonder if there’s much more planned for 1.05...
  13. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Experimental is definitely more friendly than regular servers, but there will always be dicks... Still, PvP is a core part of the game, and needs to be tested as well. Especially when this update includes medical changes in the form of working saline and blood bags. Although it’s for testing stuff, you shouldn’t play much more differently than usual.
  14. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    I assume you are playing the PS4 version? This thread is to discuss the latest PC experimental build. There are specific areas of this forum for console questions. Please try and use them. Also, they are definitely aware of that problem, and try to make further improvements with every update.
  15. ThePugman

    Some ideas to add depth to melee combat

    Came in here expecting the worst (many have suggested overly complex melee, before) I am pleasantly surprised with your suggestions. They seem very doable to me. But then, would perhaps be unnecessary if they gave us different animations for certain weapons. Such as a spear that pokes!
  16. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    @ImpulZ Thanks for all the responses, very helpful. You didn’t answer the question about bullet damage and travel time. You quoted it, but didn’t respond.
  17. ThePugman

    Motor Oil

    To be fair to the devs, they only recommend 60 slot servers. 100 slot servers aren’t even that good on PC, let alone console. I’m sure it’s something they will improve, though. Performance is one of their top priorities.
  18. ThePugman

    Motor Oil

    The arrow doesn’t refer to the amount of water, it refers to the temperature of the radiator. Also, don’t worry about motor oil, it’s currently useless.
  19. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Are you sure the green variants were? I don’t ever recall seeing a green Mosin in the offline mod. I saw camo, but not green. I could be wrong... Fair enough. Up to 4 shots on a zed is pretty bad. Hoping for further clarification on this point. I mean, .05 isn’t even on stable yet, so there’s no reason zeds can’t be tweaked further in this update. To be fair though, health regens more slowly, the risk of bleeding is increased, and blood drain is much more severe. I had 2 cuts yesterday, and it didn’t take very long for them to become a serious issue. Coupled with the usefulness of saline and blood bag, this is decent addition in my opinion. I didn’t mind the previous zed attack power, but it would be nice if they nerfed the clothing damage.
  20. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    According to some, it can’t be filled up with petrol, either. Does nobody wanna talk about the spray paint coloured guns being added to the files? 😏
  21. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Should probably give it a few days to see exactly what it entails. I presume you’re more into the survival ‘live-off-the-land’ gameplay? So fishing, bows, etc? Anything else? Also @ImpulZ you say ‘Fixed: Patrol Pants couldn't be wrung out’ ... Do you mean Patrol Jacket? If it’s NOT an error, why can we only wring out these particular pants? Why not all pants? If it IS an error, then please can we have the ability to wring our pants, too. Seems silly that we can’t.
  22. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    How are the weapons too weak? I mean, currently 7.62 x 54 and .308 are both one-taps at any range. Don’t you think this is an improvement for those? Cant see this having that big of an effect on anything that isn’t a sniper rifle. Surely, it’s more realistic, as well?
  23. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Damn this is awesome. So many that new things that aren’t even listed. You sneaky sneaky bastards. Love ya. Also, I don’t really mind the lighter nights. But get rid of the personal night light if this is a thing now.
  24. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    No, they are expected 😂
  25. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    It’s called a surprise... thanks for ruining it 😉 Is it me, or is night A LOT brighter?