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Everything posted by ThePugman

  1. ThePugman

    0.62 servers

    There are 4 official servers (hosted by gameservers.com) running 0.62. Is this a mistake? Or are you planning on releasing the legacy branch? @ImpulZ
  2. ThePugman

    1.05 Bleed Rate is Ridiculous

    @amadieus I have a video of me bleeding out with 5 cuts, and dying before I’d bandaged 1. In my experience, it’s very easy to get a lot of cuts during PvP (maybe I’m just bad 😂). You can receive a cut from each body part, so I could get shot in both arms and legs and receive 4 cuts. It’s also worth noting that cuts to the feet and hands are NOT affected by the new blood loss (Sumrak confirmed this on a stream) In the old engine, I believe that you died from blood loss when it reached zero, in the current engine, you die when you blood reaches 2750ml. Perhaps they could reduce that amount.
  3. ThePugman

    Stable Update 1.05

    We report bugs for honour... not glory. 😎
  4. ThePugman

    1.05 Bleed Rate is Ridiculous

    @BobaDebtt It’s a move in the right direction for blood, but I agree it’s not quite right. A quick solution could be to make bandages heal 2 cuts at a time. Right now, what is the advantage of bandages over rags? There is none. They are 1 slot smaller, but it hardly matters when you can only bandage twice. Rags allow you to bandage 6 times with 1 stack. I may have to feed this one back, actually. The other things you have listed are good ideas (tourniquet, combat gauze, etc) but bandages could be an easy fix. *edit* https://feedback.bistudio.com/T144415 Half-way through typing it up, I figured an even more simple solution would be to make bandages 2x quicker to apply than rags. Feel free to add words of support, to get the devs to take notice.
  5. *standing ovation* Successful last couple of patches, for sure! Honestly, I wouldn't care that much if they ditched 2-way doors. Focus on the other things!
  6. ThePugman

    0.62 servers

    @BetterDeadThanZed You would think so, but no. Three of the them are in the list (you can find in announcements) of public servers that were scheduled to be moved to the community on 2nd September. It’s probably still a mistake, but it’s very odd.
  7. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Isn’t it weird that we can be so excited about wearing a bandana? Sometimes, I wonder if it’s a psychological ploy...
  8. ThePugman

    PC Server Reassignment on September 2nd

    Huh... It’s the 2nd of September, and 3 of the servers on this list are now running 0.62.... the plot thickens... 🤔
  9. ThePugman

    Refund!! 😵

    Check his post history. It seems unlikely.
  10. ThePugman

    Heli crash

    I wouldn’t even bother looking for them. There’s only 3 on the map at once, and they change positions every half hour. Chances of finding one are slim, which is why the loot is so good. Just enjoy the game, and you’ll find one sooner or later.
  11. ThePugman

    Heli crash

    Just use iZurvive app, and look for heli spawn locations. There is a high concentration of them if you run the main road from Topolniki to Zaprudnoe.
  12. ThePugman

    Refund!! 😵

    ANOTHER refund? Why do you keep coming back?
  13. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    I only play 1.05 now. Where there’s no infinite duct tape, so it definitely needs more balance.
  14. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    To be fair, once they fix the Amphibia bug, it will be amazing for zombies. But year, bow would be best, for sure. Silently killing zeds will definitely save your life.
  15. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    This thread is a complete shit-show.
  16. ThePugman

    Land Mine Persistence?

    @DayzDayzFanboy That's all you can do. Report new methods when they become known, and the team will patch them out. I don't think it will ever be as big an issue as it was pre-1.04.
  17. ThePugman

    Land Mine Persistence?

    I want to know if it’s still possible. If it is, I will feed it back to the team.
  18. ThePugman

    Land Mine Persistence?

    Show me these videos. (Private message, if want) I check regularly, and there really hasn’t been a viable method posted, yet. Duping when a server crashes/restarts, doesn’t count.
  19. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    There is a bug with water bottles always giving you cholera: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T143869 Perhaps it also affects canteens? Either way, it may be linked to your ‘incurable’ condition.
  20. ThePugman

    Best stashes??

    Shhh. Stop giving away the best secrets 😉
  21. @LnS247 Can you explain exactly what the issue is, dude? There are plenty of reasons why there are options for lowers slots. Some people might just want to play with close friends. Having those as choices is not the issue... the infrastructure was not setup to cope with so many requests. I’m sure, the first month will always be the most crazy, and things should settle down soon.
  22. ThePugman

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Not sure I agree with that. It makes it more interesting if you forget. Plus anyone who loots bottles off you, shouldn’t know that the water is safe.
  23. ThePugman

    Server ban/players list...😠😤😤

    @MaVerick_GDZ They mentioned it on the recent livestream, and gave the impression that it was on the horizon... If it isn’t in the horizon, then is damn well should be. I defend this game to death, but I cannot defend the fact that server owners can’t police their own servers.
  24. ThePugman

    Break free with push ability

    Slightly relevant to this, I’ve wanted to see players fall down for a while. Say you get shot and it’s not powerful enough to make you unconscious, you should fall to the floor. This could add a ‘play dead’ dynamic, or give you a chance to roll away if you’re in thick grass. Obviously, this shouldn’t apply to weaker rounds. A strong push could also make players fall down, and give you a chance to flee.
  25. ThePugman

    Server ban/players list...😠😤😤

    @Markyd If you know how to perform a glitch send @ImpulZ a PRIVATE message, and he will pass it on to the team. They have said that a proper whitelist is coming to console. Hopefully by 1.05.