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Ok. Sumrak, and dear Dayz dev team. For fuck sake. It is not god damn Niznohe that needs rework on Chernarus. It is the NORTH WEST AIRFIELD that needs rework. The "new nwaf" that came with .63 is utter garbage. It is destroyed. There is mounds, sheds, pipes, trees, bushes and trash fucking everywhere. It barely even resembles an airfield. Like what the hell? For god damn almost 4 years now.. The pvp at that place now, and the last 4 years, are some dudes camping the top of a building or barracks with snipers, or a lot more common you run smack into a barrel of full auto at 1 or 2 meters, because you can't see shit there now. There can literally be 15 people at NWAF at the same time and no-one is the wiser. It's a piss poor design. It needs the majority of the "arma 3" barracks REMOVED from the south end. They are too big and just leads to window peek pvp. It needs all the stupid mounds and shit in the middle and fuel mounds along the north stretch of the airfield REMOVED. Put back some old classic big hangars. The forrest around the tents needs thinning. Please, PLEASE change it to more like it used to be, the NWAF is one of the most iconic locations of chernarus since Dayz Mod. It used to be an epic PVP arena. Of all the renditions of NWAF the 0.62 version was the absolute peak design. Bar none.
@jakub_bohemia Will there ever be a re-balance to the bullet damage for .308 and 7.62x54? It is so frustrating that every damn shot taken or received from these calibers ends in a one shot kill, EVERY TIME, unless you have a platecarrier. You can find the weapons and ammo absolutely everywhere, so everyone uses them. I don't want to hear about realism, in that case even a .380 to the chest would probably kill you in one shot. It should be balanced for good gameplay and having them one tap you with full health is so shitty. Atleast buff the anti stab and pressvest agains the .308 and 7.62x54 to the point that you survive with red blinking health and uncon with the antistab and maybe red health and uncon with pressvest, and keep unprotected and platecarrier hits as is. It would massively change the gunfights back to being awesome and really give team play more value and fun when we have the ability to survive. And second, can you please fix the bullet snaps sounds, they haven't played correctly since 0.62, we just hear maybe a little *tink* when bullets goes mach 2 next to our ears. Half of the time we don't even know we are getting shot at because of this. Please I beg you for these 2 issues.
Yes, I did mean taking out the whole hive system entirely like Derleth said, not reverting back to the old serverhop system. Sorry for bad wording. I'm 100% disagreeing on it not being too bad right now, every time I've played on highpop official servers, the entire coast is a complete warzone with fully geared players just running straight back to the fight when they die. It makes dayz feel very "un-natural" for lack of a better description when there is always a squad of ghillies with M4 and platecarriers in Elektro, tons of dead bodies everywhere.. (both from gunfights and suicider's trying to get back) I've almost completely given up on one of my favorite things in dayz, which is teaming up with randoms on the coast. When bullets are flying everywhere at all times, and every guy you see is either pointing a gun at you or trying to pick up gear from his own dead body while running around like maniacs, it just takes the dayz experience completely away for me. And the super bad performance as a result of all the dead bodies doesn't help at all. I'm just failing to see why we even need (or you want) this feature in the game, I know people want it easy and the ability to loot up on a low pop server and then teleport to the coast on a highpop seems great, but in my opinion it ruins the game. Leave that shit for the 10x loot, inf stam, spawn select modded servers, not vanilla dayz.
I think the repairing stuff is a bug, it happens randomly both ways with me. And yeah, I've noticed the reserved grayout bug too, it goes away if you take the bugged clothing in hands and back. Have anyone noticed more game crashes since that last patch? I've crashed 3 times in about 4 hours today, but it may be my pc, not sure.
@Greensek -The whole serverhop feature should be removed, plain and simple. Giving players the option to teleport to the coast at any time is just a bad decision, it adds no value and only ruins the experience on the official servers with the whole coast being just a big pvp zone with fully geared players. It totally disrupts the playerflow inland as well. -Getting sick after being cold for 30 seconds is also super fucking annoying, I feel this should be a thing only if you're dark blue cold for at least 5 minutes or so, or just be removed completely from the game. -Please again, bring back the far north east player spawns of Svetlojarsk, Berezhki and Belaya Polana. It gets so old only spawning in the south, and never seeing anyone on the north highway, or pretty much any place up north. The good things: -I've really enjoyed struggling more to find food, and for the first time since 0.63 came out I've actually been forced to hunt. This is a great change and I hope you keep it this way. The same with the burning more calories when cold, really adds a challenge and makes for some fun and desperate situations. -It also seems way less likely to find mosin, blaze and winchesters on the coast, and generally less of these ammo types also, which is fantastic. -The "personal night light" nerf has been so good for the game, I've had tons of night encounters because people actually have to use light sources now. This is very good and makes the night enjoyable. I feel the night should be cut back to about 45 minutes, with instead longer dusk and dawn. It feels too long night time now with 90? minutes, and dusk and dawn seems to be over in a couple minutes.
Well there needs to be good weapons out on Skalitsy so we can kill the fully geared coast rats that seems to always be there these days 😛 I have found some .308 and 7.62 around the coast, but not nearly to the same degree it used to be, which is very nice.
Definitely a good thing. @Greensek The patch feels very good so far, the only issues I've had is turning on and off head lamp isn't working correctly and of course the server crashes. I would also like to see the old far north east player-spawns from Svetlojarsk, Berezhki and Belaya Polana return to the game. There is so many people in the south, and the north is completely empty.
I haven't seen them on the coast yet, which is fantastic if it isn't just a coincidence, but I have seen both blaze and winchesters in Severograd and other spots inland.
Also I struggled alot more than usual finding food on the coast, which is GREAT! I just hope it is the case and not just because I was behind someone all day 😛 Anyone else got the same feel?
Yeah definitely not quite stable, 4 server crashes in 4 hours. But I had NO issues with the handbug what so ever in 3-4 hours on highpop 1pp, feels great, and NO blanks/ghost bullets! Great work! 😃 But I just want to know one thing... What are those fucking xmas presents doing in there? Don't you DARE bring that shit to stable again, there is enough loot! 💀 @Greensek
Well I don't want to play a IRL simulator, and I don't think dayz should necessarily try to be that either. I think it needs to be balanced more towards a fun but challenging experience, both in terms of loot and health/damage/survival. If you read what I proposed, you'd still be able to take down a player in one chest shot (but not necessarily killing them if they had FULL health), except if they have pressvest or platecarrier. I think that is very fair. I'm just so tired of every firefight be: I pop a guy in the upper body with a winchester/mosin/svd, and I positively 100% know he's dead. There is no maybe anymore, never any second chances. Personally I feel that vastly limits the fun of the combat compared to what it used to be. This is just my opinion. I'm of the same opinion, force jogging in steep uphills. Tho I don't much care if no-stam servers are affected tbh, from the 2 hours or so I have on them, they seem to very much embrace that total carefree chill gaming style with spawnselect, spawn with food, guns everywhere etc, let them have it. 😛 And yes, the stamina tied to hold breath is atrocious. To my knowledge I don't believe the vital organs thing have been implemented on any stable release. But I can agree on the heart also being a one shot kill, atleast unprotected with high calibers. A big problem I have with the way it is now, is we never have to even consider a headshot, just aim center mass and its over. I think it's too easy, and takes alot of fun away. Again, this is just my opinion. Agree on bleeding, but I feel the 0.62 system is unparalleled and we should get it back.
I don't know where you play, but I only play 1pp on vanilla or preferably more hardcore modded servers (since vanilla dayz isn't anything remotely close the the hardcore experience I found and fell in love with in 0.61), and there definitely are more skilled players around than the silly full sprint zigzag quick scope combat you describe. The downside for me is that every hardcore modded server has those ridiculous basebuilding mods where the entire map is filled with massive structures they hide in, and it totally ruins it. I pray to everything holy that the devs doesn't make basebuilding in vanilla any better, we'll just end up with that bullshit in every damn server. I totally agree on the speed, we are too fast. On vanilla when we carry gear the stamina slow us down quite a bit, but we recover so damn fast with basically no penalty. I'm with you, I think we should have breathing back like in 0.62 where it took around 30-40 seconds to recover the sway and stop making breathing sounds in addition to a tad slowed down sprint speed. We also shouldn't be able to full sprint uphill I think, that is just silly. But I disagree on the unforgiving realism part, dayz should still be fun, and not being able to survive a .308 shot even with a pressvest on and full health, I feel takes away from the gameplay. Especially taking into account how stupidly easy it is to obtain a mosin or blaze with scope and ammo. Instead make it so (with full health) unprotected, we go uncon with red blinking health from .308/7.62x54 chest shot. Then with a antistab on, uncon and red health. With pressvest, red health but still conscious. That would still make them extremely effective, but at least you have a chance.
I agree, and tbh a roadmap or progress log on where they are with fixing bugs etc like everyone is nagging about, just makes no difference what so ever. We won't get the patches any sooner. It gets fixed when it gets fixed, we can choose to play or don't. Personally I haven't played in a month because I fired blanks or "ghost bullets" in pretty much every gunfight I got into, or couldn't reload mags, or couldn't even take out the mags. Plus that damn hand bug. Let's just hope it gets resolved soon. I don't know what you mean by arma damage, but I wholeheartedly agree if you mean like 0.62 damage and health.. @Greensek There are serious balance issues in dayz that needs to get adressed. Please hear me out. I'm growing insanely tired of getting one tapped/one tapping people by every damn .308 or 7.62x54 bullet unless you have a plate carrier. Or bleeding out to near death form a cut in the hand, forcing us to abort every situation to bandage immediately or die in seconds. Bullet damage needs to be re-balanced, atleast these high calibers so we don't straight up just die from one shot with full health, even with a pressvest on. Everything is so immediate these days, and it's so limiting to the gameplay. If we get wet, we start to die in 5 seconds. If we drink dirty water, we get sick in seconds and start to vomit and die. If we're cut from anything, we bleed out like our throat was slit. If we're knocked unconscious, we wake up right away (and btw we can still hear, and see the hotbar/status bar while uncon ffs.. get that shit out, it should be a black screen with no icons and no sound) Why can't we get back the 0.62 blood-damage system? Where a small cut was a small cut, and instead we lose a big chunk of blood from taking a bullet (depending on the caliber), but the bleed rate being manageable.. This also allowed for the far better shock system we had in the game, being uncon for a lot longer periods (compared to the 10-20 seconds or whatever it is now) and still being able to survive. Items inside clothing, vests and backpacks should also take A LOT more damage like in 0.62 when getting shot, this adds value to protector cases and forces us to prioritize what to protect. It also gives us new objectives after a fight to search for new items because stuff is ruined from getting shot. The looting process is much more interesting when we actually are in need of supplies once in a while. Instead of like now, we get shot to pieces and we really don't even need to loot. Items should also spawn in damaged states, making pristine ammo and scopes valuable. And PLEASE remove the ability to fix everything with duct tape, I beg you, it just devalues weapon cleaning kits, sewing kits etc. Also get rid of the shoes wearing out so damn fast, it's just annoying. And speaking of loot, the CLE needs major rework, I find mosin and blaze rifles from Svetlo to Cherno, they're the most powerful guns in the game and should be alot harder to find. I've posted this before, but here are some suggestions to the CLE: The spawn zones should offer .22, 380 and 9mm weapons/ammo, some occasional izh rifles and shotguns, and rarely some loose 7.62x39 rounds or shotgun shells in low numbers like 2-5. The military zones needs better tier systems, like: TIER 1 - Svetlojarsk checkpoint, Berezino, Elektro and Cherno - Scorpions, 9mm and .45 pistols and mags, maybe some loose 7.62 rounds. And low end clothing like tactical shirts and bomber jackets. Assault vests, no backpacks. TIER 2 - Staroye, Gorka/Dubrovka checkpoint, Balota airfield, Krasnostav airfield, Gvozdno checkpoint, Severograd checkpoint - MP5, UMP, and on rare occasions SKS. Smoke and flash grenades. Gorka and USMC clothing, SSh-68 and Gorka helmets. 7.62x39, 5.45, .45, 9mm, 9x39 and 5.56. NOT BOXES, just loose ammo of 10 or less. And a chance of magazines for all tiers of military weapons. Scopes and red dots for military weapons. Bigger vests and backpacks. And everything lower tier items. TIER 3 - Kamenka checkpoint, Stary sobor, VMC, Kamensk base, Zelenogorsk base and NWAF. - SKS, UMP, AK-74 variants, VSS, and all the lower tier military weapons. Frag grenades. All types of military clothing and helmets. All types of ammo 15 or less. And everything lower tier items. TIER 4 - Myshkino base, Lopatino chekpoint and Tisy base. - M4, all AK variants, chance of BOX ammo for 7.62x39, 5.45, .45, 9mm, 9x39 and 5.56. Plate carrier. Tactical helmet, NVG. Tactical bacon. And everything lower tier items. TIER 5 - Chopper crash. - SVD, FAL. BOXES of .308 and 7.62x54. Tactical bacon. Plate carrier. Mags and ammo boxes for all other weapons. Grenades. Hunting gear. Deerstands needs a higher chance of PU and hunting scopes. The summer camps should not spawn boxes of ammo, only rare loose .308 og 7.62, and good chance of hunting backpacks and clothing and some food. The big cities also needs special items or atleast some kind of tier system. This is a IMPORTANT point. Like Severograd in 0.62 used to have a high chance of Winchester Model 70 or CR-527 spawn, and pressvest, boxes of 9mm and shotgun ammo. Kamenka town and Chernaya polana had high chance of Mosin, Repeater or Blaze. Novodmitrovsk had pump shotguns, etc. There were also higher chances of finding rice, powdered milk in the cities inland. These factors brought people to loot these cool places and resulted in alot of player encounters. Now these cities are almost completely dead, because we have nothing drawing us to them.
Oh by the way @Greensek You guys HAVE to include the bears in chernarus! Those things are absolutely awsome, and need to be roaming the western woods around Pavlovo, Zeleno, Myshkino, Lopatino and up to Tisy =D
I disagree personally, the wolves have been way to easy to get rid of by just getting them around infected or other animals. I feel the AI should only be concerned with players, otherwise it almost completely removes any challenge. And god fucking knows we need more of a challenge in this game, so for me this is only a good thing.