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Everything posted by Vasamard

  1. Vasamard

    Problem with the layer.cfg file

    Hey I'm fairly new to map making with TerrainBuilder etc but I've followed the steps of a YT tutorial and usually it should work. So the problem I have is that TerrainBuilder won't let me load in my layer.cfg file. I've mounted my P drive, have the mapLegend.png and maskIco.bmp next to my layer.cfg file in the source folder of the map folder. Everytime I try and load it in the error appears...any tips? Here's a screencap of the error https://imgur.com/O40dcye
  2. Vasamard

    Invisible satelite image

    I've got a project in Terrain Builder where I created a layer with the heightfield When I try to import the satelite image (sat_lco.bmp) it won't show up though. It moves the screen to the place where it should appear but there's just nothing there. The layer appears and visibility is on but it's just not there.
  3. Vasamard

    Problem with the layer.cfg file

    Fixed by extracting the game files and removing some problematic code in the file.