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Everything posted by GedenWhitey

  1. GedenWhitey

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Well actually not entirely correct... That is how it's supposed to work... But in the group I'm in we have kept a tent of a dead group member for... more than two weeks... We tried not saving it for three days still there... Haven't got any other tents from a dead group member yet (seeing as I refuse to die and place all tents ^^) so not sure if it is a fluke, would be nice to hear if any other have experienced this or it disapearing fast - Whitey
  2. GedenWhitey

    Forum Moderators Wanted!

    Awww.... No room for the +1 GMT :) and I even look like the guy on the commercial :( Oh well xP - Whitey
  3. Well I still think there are to few Zeds :) and we really need wandering hordes ^^ That being said, if we do get more zombies the respawn timer on has to go down... The current numbers seem about right (Mayhaps a little low?) when taking the respawn rate into the count... Cleaning a city should be hella hard, but after doing it we should have time to loot it ^^ In my opinion at least :P - Whitey
  4. GedenWhitey

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    <3 this patch, looking forward to trying it :) - Whitey
  5. GedenWhitey

    An open letter to the silent majority

    All hail Rocket! You are doing a wonderful work here mate :) - Keep it up and don't let the whiners get to you ;) - Whitey
  6. GedenWhitey

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Yay for Rocket <3 love you long time - was in a need for some good screwing ^^ Sleep well you deserve it ;) - Whitey
  7. GedenWhitey

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Hail Rocket :) Just wanted to say I support you, even if you close down the project for a few weeks ^^ Just a thought, maybe you should get someone from the community to help with some of the workload (read incoming mails ;) and other menial tasks), sounds as if you guys could need a hand or two :) - Whitey
  8. GedenWhitey

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Well not fan of this, think it will ruin coop between randoms... At least reduce it a lot... But try away Rocket ;) it's what alpha is here for :) - Whitey
  9. GedenWhitey

    Tents & Vehicles General

    You can't pick up tents of other people, thus if you die you get a new character and therefor can't pick the old one up... - Whitey
  10. GedenWhitey

    Players AFK in lobby

    Well I'm thinking this is starting to be a problem... I've noticed a lot of players just AFK'ing in the lobby (as I'm writing 6 players are doing this on EU5 - been going on for more than 15 min.). This is making it even harder for other players to get on the servers. Is there anyway to stop this? Or is this the new way to make sure you can play from now on? - Whitey
  11. GedenWhitey

    Players AFK in lobby

    Well if it's afk for a short while, I see no problem with it... But 15 min +, that is a problem I think... In the case I described it meant 6 people couldn't play on that server for 20 min (from my login they where afk when I joined) - a server restart was the only reason it properly wasn't longer... And if this happens on every server... Well it just makes getting into the servers worse than it already is... When AFK'ing in the lobby for long periods of time you are making sure other people can't get in and play... - Whitey
  12. GedenWhitey

    Players AFK in lobby

    No not from what I've seen it, and normally when server is in trouble people write about it or disconnects and connects constantly... and that isn't going on :) - Whitey
  13. GedenWhitey

    Players AFK in lobby

    When you press p you can see who are in the lobby (there is an arrow in front of there name instead of blue'ish thing). - Whitey
  14. GedenWhitey

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Update on my dead mates tent, it did survive for at least 7 days, we just lost every tent again so if they reappear I'll update the time :) - Whitey
  15. GedenWhitey

    Server Response

    It is no wonder really ^^ The massive influx of players during the last two weeks and the mod being alpha... Not a good cocktail xP The servers properly can't handle the stress :) so let's all be patient and test when we can ^^ - Whitey
  16. GedenWhitey

    Tents & Vehicles General

    If seen some Heli's respawn at least (only one after 1.5.7), and from what I can tell they got specific spawn points (at least a heli spawned the same place three times now for me) - Whitey
  17. GedenWhitey

    The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition

    If there are no bandit skins anymore I would personally trust no one but my RL-friends. Why? because there is no way to recognize players from each other and everybody can change name at will if they get a bad rep. So every random encounter is a knew one, even if you recognize the name someone else could have taken it and you can't tell that he normally murder people. And seeing as this is only a game with no consequences for murder, well... I think a lot of people will begin to shoot people in the back - you can always change name after all, no consequence. Since this is only a game many people doesn't adhere to there normal morality - and that makes killing way to easy when there isn't any consequences of it. So in short - bandit skins may be flawed (not may but is ;)) but is the best system currently to encourage trust and thereby opening up for co-op between random people. - Whitey
  18. Anybody know why some servers still run the old patch? And when they will switch to the new one :) - Whitey
  19. GedenWhitey

    The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition

    Okay haven't read every post but some of them and wanted to give my opinion as well. In the games current state I would hate if bandits didn't have bandit skins. Why? because it's hard enough to tell people apart, especially if you don't talk over skype/team speak etc. or grouped with randoms. A party of four could be joined by a fifth without people noticing because we all look the same... And then bang... which one is enemy? who isn't... Would break almost any chance for building a random group... - Whitey
  20. GedenWhitey

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    Well have to agree with Bayers, peeps not updating to newest version, checking for new flaws, unbalanced stuff etc. are not helping the mod... And playing a mod in alpha and beta is about helping it get build and finding bugs - it isn't about I like version something more and therefor play it :) So in regard to that they are nubs ;) and if enough do it it could stagnate the development and thereby wreck the mod. . . - Whitey
  21. GedenWhitey

    Some servers still running 1.5.6

    . . . If that is the reason. . . Then damn, weak ^^ Just annoying I can't play on my regular server with my tents and my stuff :/ especially since the mod finally became interesting again! - Whitey
  22. GedenWhitey

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Gz on lvl 31 ;P And sounds nice to finally fear zeds xD looking forward to this - Whitey
  23. GedenWhitey

    Tents & Vehicles General

    @Tiri I don't know about the vehicles, but I lost my tents a few times over the last few days and every time they return after a server restart or two - Whitey
  24. GedenWhitey

    Tents & Vehicles General

    From my experience there can be 10 weapons class item no matter size, 50 random items no matter size, haven't checked backpacks though - Whitey
  25. GedenWhitey

    MERGED: Booby traps, Explosives and IED's

    Well it could be extremely cool, in the right hands... But we all know within a day or two all spawn locations would be booby-trapped.. So unless there is some kind of protection to spawn areas... well... - Whitey