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Everything posted by stephen321

  1. stephen321

    7.84gb update

    There is something going on with the nitrado servers. Possibly being prepared to go live.
  2. stephen321

    Bandanas.. Is it just me?

    Bandannas currently work on consoles because we are still on 1.02. on pc they are bugged justnow.
  3. stephen321

    Wouldn't this work?

    Locked servers would stop server hopping, ghosting and all the ways of duping that work by switching servers
  4. stephen321

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    I'm getting a bug where when I log into a server I get the server list as an overlay on the screen and can't access my inventory.
  5. stephen321

    If I were CEO of BI

    The best thing they could do right now is turn persistence of on all the servers untill the next update.
  6. stephen321

    Locked servers

    I'm no computer scientist but would it cost the Devs more money to have locked servers? Surely having to account for a different character on every server would take up more server bandwidth than one character for them all.
  7. stephen321

    DayZ will be on Xbox Inside at March 12th.

    It will be about it leaving early access with the big update.
  8. stephen321

    Lack of HC players

    If they character locked the hard core servers I could see them being used a lot more.
  9. stephen321

    Survival aspects

    They still have to get the bow working on the new engine.
  10. stephen321

    One character per server, please devs!!!

    Would it not be possible to character lock the hardcore servers?