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Steve Grizzle

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About Steve Grizzle

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Steve Grizzle

    Xbox - Lots of annoying bugs

    1) I think they sound fine enough. Loud is scary, scary is good 2)just take a little step back and get a running jump 3) crunchy tuna 4) haven't noticed this one. Pretty sure I'm just a bad shot 5) noticed. Glitches for about half a second then you continue climbing down 6) Havnt noticed this one. I can reload just fine 7) agreed 😎 agreed. They could chase you 200yd and never lose any feet 9) noticed? Just thought the days were super long 10) pretty sure it could just be an Internet problem. Happens to me
  2. Steve Grizzle

    Survival aspects

    That is a great suggestion. I think I mean ruined something like that when they announced minidayz 2. Having two back interchangeable slots so you could carry two melee or two ranged or the standard one of each
  3. Steve Grizzle

    Survival aspects

    Damn. I liked the bow on pc
  4. Steve Grizzle

    Survival aspects

    Yea if we could get feathers back, that'd be great. And it seems we can't craft the improv bow? Didn't see it removed or added in the changlogs, so what's goin on there?