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Everything posted by Kallelankulli

  1. Date/Time: Several times on different times, dates and versions What happened: Doing whatever, running, walking, proning, looking with binoculars, doesn't matter, the screen just goes randomly black and the message "Receiving" comes up, like if you would be just spawning. It started doing this randomly after 1.7.2, different servers, friends not having this problem. Game goes on the background, I can hear the sounds, sometimes I can even walk but the screen is black with only "Receiving" visible. Where you were: Several locations What you were doing: Happened while looking with binoculars, walking, running, standing and proning. *Server(s) you were on: SE 5, 6 9 and 10 servers, the swedish ones *Your system specs: Ati Radeon 6970HD 1GB AMD Phenom X4 965 Black 3,4 ghz 4gb DDRAM 1333 mhz I'd like to point that none of my friends who have been playing in same server / location have had this problem, it randomly does it after playing a while, around 25mins or so, whenever it comes up I have to reboot the game, it doesn't "freeze", just the receiving pops up and screen goes black. I can't go to menus or anything either, but sounds are working in the background. Should not be any overheating issue either, due to the game didn't have this problem earlier, could pull an allnighter and game was working fine. I recall switching Video Memory settings to "Default" from "Very High" at some point, MIGHT be the source of the problem, but I can't say for sure. I'll try to play with Very High once again.
  2. Kallelankulli

    U.F.O crash sites

    I really like this idea actually, why not? We could occasionally find A-10 crashes near the UFO sites, which mean they both shot each other down battling. You could repair the A-10, but it needs like 16 engines and 108 scrap metals.
  3. Imma let you finish AussieStig, but "Gooseman" had the most successful mod of all time, of-all-time! (I'm obviously talking about Counter-Strike)
  4. Kallelankulli


    I had this problem but I found it it was caused by having video card memory on "default". When I switched the video game memory to "Very High" the problem went away. Confirmed it for myself by trying later again with default setting. Have Ati Radeon HD 6870 1gb
  5. Kallelankulli


    +1 beans from me
  6. Kallelankulli

    Experimental test patch

    RedReloadedHD, I didn't respawn when I upgraded from -, I still had all my gear and I was on my spot where I last logged out.
  7. Kallelankulli

    Experimental test patch

    Rapier, obviously you will not have any backups, the whole alpha is a test, the players are testers.
  8. Kallelankulli

    Random black screen with "Receiving"

    Confirmed this bug for myself again, and I found out that if you set the Video Card Memory to "Very High" instead of "Default" it doesn't happen anymore. I've heard that setting your video card memory to "Very High" only uses up to 512mb of video card mem, when putting it to "Default" it uses full 100%, in my case 1gb of memory, which I would ofcourse like to use, but I can't confirm if this is true. For now, the game is working fine with "Very High" setting, but if it really is that having it on "Default" makes it use up to 100% of the video card memory, I'd like to have that option usable. But imo this might be arma bug and / or something to do with my own card instead of the game itself, I'll be formating and updating my drivers and stuff within few weeks, I'll get back to re-confirm if the bug still appears, or if it is gone.
  9. Kallelankulli

    Blood etc

    OPs sight on things is not wrong, but you can't make blood packs be used on yourself, or have regenerating blood, that just goes easymode. The canned foods give a bit more blood, that would be fine, but imo its fine as it is now, if you go solo you'll have it harder, thats what it should be, encourages players to actually communicate with other players instead of instantly shooting them when the profits of going co-op is high. Its not like its impossible to survive solo atm.
  10. Kallelankulli

    Radio Devices? | "Word spreads of bandits in xxx"

    I really support the radio chat system idea, I'd love to have it like that you could talk to a radio via your microphone and everyone who has radio on / is on same frequency / is within the range can hear me talking, just like ingame microphone voice chat, but only with a long range. The possibilities, taxi service, ambulance help, radio broadcast, news, oh the amount of role play one could do with it. It would be awesome, "tune in to our frequency for the news of Chernarus, where the sun never shines." "This is Kalles taxi service, where will I come pick you up?" oh my.
  11. Kallelankulli

    Ambulance Spawns and/or 2-3 More Hospitals.

    +1, we just were thinking this yesterday with my friend, having an ambulance to go around as medic, but it would have to be very rare.