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Everything posted by natalyasharapova

  1. natalyasharapova

    "client contains pbo which is not part of server data"

    The dayz developers don't care about us, the server administrators. Now if we want a server for clients to join vanilla way. We have no way to manage and fix the bad programming bugs they make.
  2. natalyasharapova

    Server Side Mod? How?

    I can run mods with: -servermod command. Clients connect vanilla way and cannot destroy fences. But ... if verifysignatures is 2 and COT installed, I log into my server normally with COT installed, but vanilla way... neither I nor clients can log in.
  3. natalyasharapova

    Init.c Doubt

    Is it possible to replace a command in a class with init? I have this doubt and I can not edit..... For example In Scripts have: class ActionDestroyPartCB : ActionContinuousBaseCB { override void CreateActionComponent() { m_ActionData.m_ActionComponent = new CAContinuousTime( UATimeSpent.DEFAULT_DESTROY ); } }; and I would like to modify it through init.c to: class ActionDestroyPartCB : ActionContinuousBaseCB { override void CreateActionComponent() { m_ActionData.m_ActionComponent = new CAContinuousTime( UATimeSpent.DEFAULT_DESTROY * 18000 ); } }; Is there a way to do this? can anybody help me?
  4. natalyasharapova

    BRC/Dart not Connection after update

    After the Update I can not connect the Infstar BRC to the server, it simply does not connect, with rcon being correctly configured, the way to BePath and the BEServer file, and the -port command are configured correctly. Any idea to connect the BRC again? Did anything happen? Is there any change in these server configurations?
  5. natalyasharapova

    BRC/Dart not Connection after update

    I try 2302, 2303, 2304, 2304.. not working
  6. natalyasharapova

    PLEASE reverse the NEW "Client Side Personal Night Light"

    I see dayz as a simulator, very realistic, the night is also very realistic, just missing the illumination that the moon projects.. You keep making updates, putting natural light on the player, so you can see the night. The night must be dark. And on moonless nights, one should not see anything at all, as it is in real life. Because instead of you putting light on players, you do not solve this problem, adding nightvision, it is already in the files of the game, you just have to configure it, a key to turn ON, a battery, and the vision. KAZUAR (P1N51) works perfectly at night, I think you have it ready, just do the nightvision work!. This would solve all server problems at night, players who log out, players who do not like to play at night, and would also solve the problem of night lighting. Night, it has to be dark, I think the most you should do, is to place the moonlight on moonlit nights.
  7. natalyasharapova

    to devs

    I see dayz as a simulator, very realistic, the night is also very realistic, just missing the illumination that the moon projects.. You keep making updates, putting natural light on the player, so you can see the night. The night must be dark. And on moonless nights, one should not see anything at all, as it is in real life. Because instead of you putting light on players, you do not solve this problem, adding nightvision, it is already in the files of the game, you just have to configure it, a key to turn ON, a battery, and the vision. KAZUAR (P1N51) works perfectly at night, I think you have it ready, just do the nightvision work!. This would solve all server problems at night, players who log out, players who do not like to play at night, and would also solve the problem of night lighting. Night, it has to be dark, I think the most you should do, is to place the moonlight on moonlit nights.
  8. natalyasharapova

    Stable Update 1.01

    You fix things that were not working, and things that were working you damage ... What kind of programmers are they? I really play dayz surviving in the forest, for my puppet to survive, need to take water from the rivers, and not go into town in a water source.
  9. natalyasharapova

    Stable Update 1.01

    After the last update, it is impossible to drink water from the rivers or fill the canteen!!! it is also impossible to pass a liquid to another container!!