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Everything posted by HiroCheeseMuh1

  1. This is probably going to be a long one so settle in. Ok, so up until it’s release on Ps4, I have played DayZ primarily on Xbox, starting out on 0.63 all the way through to its current 1.02 version. Not exactly super important to my assessment of the PS4 version except to point out I am not a “newcomer” to this game and therefore have some degree of experience with the game on console prior to it’s release on PS4 including (controls, button config, known glitches, map knowledge, hot spots, player behavior in those hot spots, etc.) Side to side comparison PS4 vs Xbox? No real difference game play wise with the exception of accessing your inventory and maybe an ever so slightly more effort needed timing wise when choosing to hop over fences. Other than that there really are no differences between the different consoles when it comes to actual game play. Areas where there are some differences are as follows: The darkness of the night cycle is comparable to how dark it was on 0.63 on Xbox where you really struggle to see anything without the use of a light source. I definitely found myself pondering server hoping a lot of the time when night sets in, in search of daylight, that is until I found the wonderful world of excitement and joy that can be found trolling other players in the dark. I’ve done everything from playing the song Somebody’s Watching Me over my mic while following other players, to speaking in creepy voices or telling super cheesy jokes while watching players try and figure out my location. My absolute favorite nighttime experience thus far has been running down the road to Kamiwobo torch in hand with like 5 random people who, none seem to have had mics but me, also carrying torches while playing the theme song to Rocky. So not to get too far off topic in my assessment there is definitely something almost nostalgically fun with the darkness on PS4 that you just don’t experience on the Xbox version anymore. This would be considered a very positive thing if it weren’t so tragically predictable that this will soon eventually morph into what has happened to the Xbox version at it’s current state the second duper’s figure out how to completely ruin the experience for PS4 players. A little advice to all the new players of DayZ on console, while it may be tempting to find ways to cheat and have the advantage do your best to avoid the temptation because the second you turn this game into the mirror image of the shit show going on with Xbox with all the duper’s, ghosters, combat loggers, etc., say goodbye to continuing to experience the full enjoyment of this game. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Another difference that I’m sure will be fixed with the next patch is there is something weird going on with the lighting in the game. It will be the middle of the day, super bright out but while running through the woods it looks as though it’s dusk especially if on the move and you happen to scan behind you and then look forward, everything turns really dark and lightens back up slowly. There have been plenty of times where I almost decided to light a torch in the middle of the day because visibility was that bad. Rain also on some servers seems to never stop or will stop for roughly 30 seconds only to go back to a full on downpour. As I mentioned in the beginning, timing a jump over a fence requires a bit more effort than on Xbox (it’s not really that big of a deal just more of a personal annoyance to me at this point) A major difference and biggest issue between Xbox and PS4 that I personally have a problem with is purely server related. PS4 has double the amount of servers than Xbox which is great but where I take issue is with the ridiculous number of PERSISTENCE OFF servers there are compared to PERSISTENCE ON servers. On Xbox there is just a handful of persistence off servers and according to the devs their existence is primarily for promotional purposes whenever there is a deal going on as far as cost that allows new players of the game to sort of whet their beaks and get used to the game in servers where there is very little consequence to losing gear and supplies because it’s implied that nothing is saved once you log out. So base building, stashing supplies etc is supposed to be pointless on these types of servers except those rules don’t seem to apply on PS4. Stuff you find on these servers persists onto other servers whether they are “persistence off” or not. Which considering how plentiful the loot seems to be on these “persistence off” servers seems to me to be opening the flood gates for cheaters but then again I’m a moron who, because I don’t understand how a lot of technology works, is convinced that the way pictures of typed words are printed out on physical paper is due to wizardry so there is a very real possibility that my level of understanding when it comes to persistence being on or off is seriously lacking. As for player behavior on PS4 vs player behavior on Xbox? It’s freaking night and day. I’ve had way more interaction with other players on PS4 than I’ve had on Xbox for a very long time with really only one instance of kos since I started playing the PS4 version. But sadly as I mentioned above as great as that is right now, I know where things are headed the second players on PS4 learn how to cheat. This is why again I implore you PS4 players to avoid at all cost the temptation of cheating because once you embrace it there seems to be very little turning back and being the best idea the devs have come up with in regards to combating the duping/cheating problem on Xbox is to essentially remove servers forcing players into strictly high pop or full pop servers in hopes that the “every man for himself” “dog eat dog” forced interaction will take care of the issue, a decision to embrace the temptation of cheating means certain doom for those of you who just want to play and enjoy the game for what it’s supposed to be. So in closing, comparatively speaking there isn’t much difference between the two console versions aside from a few bugs that need to be worked out. The only real major difference, at least coming from Xbox’s current state to how PS4 is right now, Is that because the PS4 players are new with a lot of them having no experience outside of watching streamers play the game they are still very much “Bambi like” and genuinely seem to play the game with an enthusiasm for having a good memorable game play experience whereas on Xbox the mood is grim and everyone seems to have forgotten the whole point of the game isn’t turning it into a giant sized adaptation of fort nite. For now I’m staying on PS4.
  2. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Real talk..

    Ahh ok well if it’s including all the extra bits and bops then that’s actually a pretty good deal
  3. HiroCheeseMuh1

    23/06/2019 Hotfix Statement

    @DayzDayzFanboyThanks and sorry to hear your wife has to deal with it. I don’t think people intentionally try and reduce it to comedic absurdity on purpose but it is still frustrating that people watch a tv series or a movie where the main character supposedly has OCD and it’s always depicted as being this sort of comedically neurotic personality trait where the person with OCD constantly walks around straightening strangers’ ties or feels an uncontrollable need to over sanitize every aspect of their life or experience complete social meltdown and think this is all that OCD entails. Not saying this sort of person doesn’t actually exist but it’s actually more rare than people think and a desire for neatness, tidyness or being organized does not mean you have OCD unless that desire creates severe REAL impairment to your wellbeing as a person. If you absolutely can not function, focus on anything else, develop debilitating anxiety, etc then maybe you have OCD. If you just like things neat and orderly then you just like things neat and orderly that’s all. Anyway ill get off my soapbox now but thanks for the understanding. 👍🏼😁
  4. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Real talk..

    Dude if you’re spending that amount of coin to build a pc you’re either buying latest and greatest bits because it’s the latest and greatest and don’t understand that “super expensive” and super new isn’t necessary or you’re buying an already built rig which in my opinion isn’t worth the money simply to avoid building one yourself. I’ve built two in the past two years with both combined totaling some where in the neighborhood of $1,000-1,100. I understand that the Euro or whatever you use in the UK is slightly more than USD but that price seems exceptionally high.
  5. HiroCheeseMuh1

    23/06/2019 Hotfix Statement

    Ok I know this is going to be a really petty thing to complain about but as someone ACTUALLY afflicted with OCD and not just using it as an adjective to describe a desire to be neat which (newsflash not everyone with OCD is a neat freak who loses their shit when something is out of place.. that’s just Hollywood’s idea of what OCD is like 🙄) It does however bug the shit out people who actually have OCD to have something that is actually hampering their lives physically, emotionally and whatever “ally” there is reduced to some sort of absurd comedic affliction where because you’re a person who likes things neat and watched an episode of Monk once you feel like you understand what it’s like to have OCD. Again I recognize the level of pettiness involved in complaining about this here especially since this thread is about something completely different but cut the shit please. Thanks 😁
  6. HiroCheeseMuh1

    23/06/2019 Hotfix Statement

    And here we have the perfect example of “people are going to bitch no matter what” 🙄 seriously some of you, I think, just have a dominant complain gene in your genetics. Lol
  7. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    So I read and commented in another posting by another member in response to the duping issue and what players do with the duped gear from players they have killed or from bases that they have raided. This raises the question; if you come into possession of duped gear either via killing a cheater or a base raid, does keeping said gear make you a hero or a part of the problem? I mean yeah you took a cheaters duped gear and I’m sure that can give you a sense of accomplishment but end of the day isn’t the REAL problem, that because of duping the loot economy is thrown off and therefore new loot does not spawn? So how does keeping the duped gear that you got from the cheaters help resolve the issue? The quick answer? IT DOESNT! So the question begs, if you are someone who believes duping is a serious problem in DayZ and is ruining the game, if you truly feel that way then why aren’t you taking that duped gear and despawning it? How are you less of a problem if all you have done is transfered ownership of said duped gear? What’s worse is if you then take that gear and kill a player who isn’t cheating. If you truly think duping is bad for the game. If you truly feel like the unfair advantage afforded to the cheaters is a problem then why are you now walking around with that duped M4, Ak, Lar, VSD, ghillie suit, Winchester, CR, seachest, tent, etc? If all you have done is taken the duped gear for your own use then you’re as much of a part of the problem as the duper’s are no matter how or which way you try to justify it to yourself.
  8. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    I actually wasn’t calling you per se a “whinny little kid” that was an obvious failed attempt at trying to be funny by painting a picture of what I imagine yours and others voices would sound like in a very exaggerated manner so cool your tits mate. As for my logic let me try and explain my perspective a little. Do I think me personally despawing duped gear is going to “fix” the problem? No I’m not that naive. However it would be contradictory for me to complain about all the duped gear when I don’t have it but the second I find it I attempt to justify keeping it which is what you and others are doing. You’re certainly not helping the problem by keeping the duped gear now are you? No! So if you’re not helping, what are you doing? BEING PART OF THE PROBLEM! Do you understand me now? Do you understand that you can’t bitch about dupers and how they have affected the loot economy if you decide to maintain and keep the gear which is whole fucking reason the loot economy is fucked in the first place? Yes dupers will continue to dupe I understand that, but you keeping that duped gear (for whatever reason you’re trying to justify it with) is just as bad. Dont like my opinion? That’s fine but don’t come on here pretending like you and others are helping simply because you raided a duper base or killed a suspected duper. The second you decide “hmmm this would be nice to add to my gear” all you’ve done is become the next owner of gear that SHOULDNT EVEN EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE!
  9. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    Do I really need to re-quote myself? You can try and justify it anyway you want but end of the day......well you already know my stance so no point in repeating myself. your logic and others essentially amounts to (in a whiny little kids voice) “but everyone else is doing it” Your perspective is bollocks my friend. Have a good day
  10. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    Too many to quote so I will quote myself:
  11. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Are You Part Of The Problem?

    But herein lies the problem. Upgrading yourself or others simply because you or the other players haven’t had a chance to use those guns yet is just transferring ownership and maintaining the problem. Im glad you chose to just despawn the found duped gear in the end but policing and/or wagging fingers at duper’s for taking advantage of an opportunity becomes null and void if you’ve rationalized your own decision to take advantage.
  12. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Let's be honest for a moment...

    Taking duper’s gear and NOT despawning it is just as bad. All you’ve done is transferred ownership of duped gear thus making yourself part of the problem. I know when you posted this that you’re expecting a high five or praise but killing duper’s only to keep the duped gear and possibly killing players who aren’t cheaters with the duped gear is just as bad as if you duped the gear yourself.
  13. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Xbox player that’s played the PS4 version’s opinion

    Response to your first statement = that must be something with your set up because I haven’t experienced that at all. Response to your second statement = false cities are perfectly playable (at least on my end) and I have an old PS4. Response to your 3rd statement = must be you and your friends I was at VMC yesterday and picked up an M4 and an AKM and there were a lot more so I don’t know what you’re talking about on all 3 of those statements because that has not been my experience at all. Response to your 4th statement= possible although didn’t experience this on Xbox so I’ll file that under maybe it’s my set up.
  14. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Xbox player that’s played the PS4 version’s opinion

    Yeah well because the map is so huge if you venture inland chances of running into other players greatly decreases with the exception of the high value loot areas. I have a feeling a lot of the players are hovering around the coast In the typical popular places. Let me know if you want to link up in game at some point. I usually lone wolf it but playing with others can be fun too. I’ll be on later in about 3 hrs
  15. Is it just me or is the dark during the night cycle on PS4 dark ala .63 on Xbox? I can’t see shit. 1.02 on Xbox dark is perfect but this, this is like mutant dark.
  16. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Duping begins in 3........2.....

    Just curious how long it’s going to take PS4 players to experience the irritation Xbox players are dealing with in regards to duping? All you new players get ready for an onslaught of threads from people angry that they can’t find any of the good weapons. Welcome aboard the roller coaster of emotions you’re going to go through when people figure out how to cheat 👍🏼😝
  17. HiroCheeseMuh1

    No servers showing in the server list!

    Check the filters up top corner right. Make sure Favorited and Full Server are switched to “Disabled”
  18. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Duping begins in 3........2.....

    Oh ok yeah I figured you were talking about Xbox but I wanted to be clear. 👍🏼 I’m playing on both so we’ll see how it goes on Ps4
  19. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Duping begins in 3........2.....

    On PS4 or Xbox?
  20. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Selected Servers going Offline on May 27th!

    @ImpulZ I obviously only speak for myself here but after reading every comment on the 3 pages of this posting, it seems 99.9999% disagree with this idea and with many of the commentors stating they have ZERO desire to have forced interaction. So my question is, who is this move, from more servers to less, for exactly? I don’t hear really anyone calling for “more interaction” so the decision to pretend like this is a desired request from the player base is a puzzling one. I will be the first to admit that I am a moron who has no idea how game development works, Hell I still don’t understand how cellphones work 🤷🏻‍♂️ How exactly does my voice go up into the sky, travel invisible networks and come out sounding exactly like me on the other end to someone listening? As far as I’m concerned it’s done through magic and pixie dust but, it doesn’t take a genius to see that the Devs have basically decided “it’s too hard to fix the exploits, so why don’t we just force the players into battle royale style play and hope the problem works itself out” as your solution which pardon my French here, is fucking horse shit! The player base is being punished because you guys can’t fix the problem of cheaters and exploiters? How is that fair or even a legitimate reason to do so? Pretending that the biggest concern is lack of player interaction when for months and months the player base has expressed it’s concern as being the many exploits making the game less than fun just seems disingenuous. Hell I think most players would rather have a complete shut down of the game for a little while so that the problems can be fixed than be told some nonsense that the solution you’ve come up with basically amounts to “it’s too hard so we decided to just throw you all unwillingly into mass populated servers in hopes that the problem just goes away on its own.” I know it sucks having a large portion of the player base constantly talking crap to you guys and often calling for your heads but seriously WTF! this isn’t a solution this is just you guys tapping out pretending it’s one thing when really it’s something else BTW “we’re aware of the problem and working to fix it” every few months and then going back to radio silence because you don’t like people saying mean things to you, really isn’t a good enough excuse anymore. If you’re aware of the problem then WORK ON THE PROBLEM don’t create all new ones and then pretend like that’s what people have been upset about all along. That’s just a “friendly” warning.
  21. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Vicinity Issues

    I completely agree that just relying on insults from the jump makes for pretty mundane back and forth and I also agree that ribbing or breaking each other’s balls so to speak can actually do more good for making a community stronger and better. Lord knows I love breaking people’s balls on things for a laugh and nothing malicious so I’m with you there but, there’s breaking balls and then there’s just being a cunt for the sake of being a cunt. Perhaps I misread your remarks as that obviously does happen from time to time and if that was the case then we’re good no harm no foul. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  22. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Vicinity Issues

    Noticed a few issues with the vicinity detecting items: First and foremost you could be standing right near the item and it still isn’t detected. Example of this is in deer stands which are relatively compact and if items were there you easily could detect them in your vicinity prior to latest update. Now even In an area as small as a dear stand items aren’t being detected unless you’re practically standing on said items. Second and what what I consider a much bigger problem with vicinity detection is if you’re using a tree/bush for cover although it happens more with trees, and you take something completely out of your inventory including out of your hands the item is no longer detected and even though you can physically see the item you can not pick it back up. Learned this little diddy in the middle of a gun fight where I dropped my gun in order to switch to another because it wouldn’t let me switch otherwise, realized I had grabbed a gun I didn’t have ammo for, went to to pick the first gun up and even though I could see it, it wasn’t registering in the vicinity which was a really shitty time for that to happen. It has also happened with other items not just guns several times. So a word of warning to other players for the love of god do not drop anything you may want back while taking cover in a tree or bush because if you do, that’s a wrap on ever having it again.
  23. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Vicinity Issues

    Lol well unless that essay amounts to him admitting he didn’t actually read what I wrote I don’t know what he could possibly have to say. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  24. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Vicinity Issues

    Dude seriously is the cuntyness really necessary? I said the gun thing happened ONCE! I’ve lost other items in bushes trying to sort my inventory not during a firefight. If you’re going to be a twit at least read what’s said first there chief.
  25. HiroCheeseMuh1

    Vicinity Issues

    Tried it, doesn’t work! Plus in a fire fight or some other sort of emergency situation, having to stop to chop down a tree or a bush isn’t exactly ideal. Especially if you don’t have an axe or hatchet which I tend to not carry due to how much they weigh. I know a bush can be cut down with a knife btw before anyone pipes up.