I appreciate the fact the Devs seem to be doing something. That's awesome.
But! (there's always a but) performance is still an issue mainly around vehicles and general performance.
Vehicles: From the perspective and friends and mine alone, the movement and controls for vehicles are sluggish and awkward. And there are times where you will lock up for 5+ seconds and end up crashed on the side of the road, and for a game like this, vehicles are a must.
Performance: FPS issues even with people with 1080ti's and 17-8700k's. Barely able to reach 60 even on the lowest settings coupled with constant crashed. And now that modding is at an all time high, people are sometimes not even able to launch the game with some mods active.
Are any of these 2 issues going to be touched at all in the future? Myself included, I think we'd all like to be able to reach 60 fps and control vehicles in a less awkward and sluggish manner.