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About Cassp

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  1. Me and my friends noticed the truly horrible bullet spread on the first and second day of beta, we even all checked by shooting into the same spot of a wall 100m away, we were all horrified by how inaccurate the m4 was. We tried it a day later and it was fine, we all scratched our heads and said "fine by me" and continued on with our lives.
  2. I like the new ammunition system.
  3. Personally I can't wait for more players per server because currently I'm not feeling even slightly as paranoid as I did in the mod, since there are so many places people could be now so it lowers your chance of seeing other players by so much. Traveling to almost every town up north on full servers and never seeing anybody really just shouldn't happen.
  4. Cassp

    Weapon-Damage way too high!

    Dayz isn't a game about how many times you got shot, it's a game of not getting shot and shooting first.
  5. Cassp

    Places for Millitary Loot

    http://imgur.com/eMOIGZz Heres my totally not rushed and totally not lame standalone military loot map.
  6. Cassp

    Where are you finding the Mosin?

    Mosin is civilian loot, so houses/Apparments etc. M4's are military so you will find them in barracks/prisons/Firehouse, you can find them both in cars though.
  7. Cassp

    What would you like see added to the game

    For now, Vehicles and 100 player servers.
  8. I think 40 people per server isn't enough, even in the mod I thought people were scarce even though in the mod people were funnelled into Elektro/Baloto/Cherno/Zeleno/Starry/NWAF/NEAF/Berezino as apposed to standalone where every single town on the map had pretty much as much gear as any town in the mod, so people are spread all over the map. I just took a quick count of towns in Chernarus, and counted about 50. In the mod people pretty much went to the 8 towns I listed above, some of the towns in between might of had 1 house or 2 if you're lucky but were pretty much in the way of the big towns. So if we assume with the mod 50% of players are in towns and 50% of players are currently walking between towns and servers have 40 players, you can expect 2.5 players per town (20 people in towns divide 8 towns). As apposed to the standalone if we assume 50% of players are in towns and 50% running between then you get the same amount of players except an absolute tonne more viable lootable towns. Assuming there is 50 towns in standalone and 50% are in them and 50% running between, you will end up with something like 0.4 players per town (20 divide 50). This is of course inaccurate as it is mainly assumption and is all just averages per town, obviously cherno/baloto/elektro are still going to have a lot more players, but the reason is obvious why. but it is an decent educated guess on comparisons in player dispersion between the mod and standalone. My point being, 40 players worked in the mod, but sure as hell doesn't work in standalone, for instance me and I buddies walk around for hours and barely see anyone, hear no gunshots and see no players and we make sure to be on full servers. we eventually gave up and now we hang around balota looking for armed players as we simply can't find players elsewhere. I understand why they can't raise the cap currently, but dear god they had better in the future.
  9. Cassp

    Game Breaking Bug

    Not sure where to post this, but I'm certain everybody will find out soon. If you exit the game instead of respawning, you will be alive will all your gear exactly where you died. This is what's causing corpses to disappear and some servers I've been on have just been deathmatches between people instantly relogging after dying. The reason I'm posting this Is because I want it to be known and addressed asap.
  10. Will the servers need a restart for the choppers to spawn?
  11. Two players named 'Northern bandit lance' and 'Northern bandit Justin' on Seattle 8 Were using some kind of invisibility hack and were also speaking to each other on global and group channels on a server with neither of those unlocked. I can't exactly prove that they were invisible, but we could both hear them speaking on global chat about us as they killed us, one even said "He just stood there as i killed him". and also started playing trollish music over global chat, so it seems these aren't out to make friends anyway. Both myself and my friend died in spots where it is impossible to get shot without seeing the shooter.
  12. servers crashed, tried to log back on and bam. Name: Cassp3 Player ID:19287494