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About daddyDerp

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. daddyDerp

    Dayz 1.0 persistance BUG news

    I've been having some trouble figuring this out on my server for the tents/barrels/generators ( renting from a host ) do you have any links that could point me in the right direction? I don't know how involved it is so I don't want to bother you to explaining it. I also noticed base building items disappearing after a while I found a mod <> that logs base building items to the ADM file to try and combat that issue. However, I have to set equalmodrequired=0 and the other mods need it to be =1 , is there a way to set the "equalmodrequired=" line for each individual mod ? I'm not experienced in this level of server management so I'm still learning as I go, I'd be much obliged for any help or advice anyone has to offer.