ive been playing the game for a wile now. ive expierenced all types of situations, i dont play community servers just official on xbox.
1-as far as farming goes ive never really spent the time dong it other than when someone was sick, i was told eating the vegetables and actual meat is much better than canned food, although i dont know this to be a fact, my advice is to find a mosin with a scope and keep an improvised surpressor(wate bottle combined with ductape) and go on a hunts to keep up with hunger. i like to keep the cooking stove with me, the stove+gas can+pot+12 slots of food+water in the pot= 12 slots when combined. also your able to cook food without making a fire(which can be very noticible). but thats not even all the benifits,, cooked food can make u over heat if in your jacket or pants but inside the pot it will not, then if u ever find urself caught in the rain u can take the items from ur pot and line your jacket with them to keep warm.
2-wile fishing is a great sorce of food im liable to ditch the fishing rod once i find myself a reliable hunting rifle, reason being, the rod takes up alot of inventory space, even if useing an improvised rod u can keep on your back, a hunting rifle offers self protection and the means to feed yourself. i like to keep aa mosin with a improvised suppressor but i keep the surpessor off because its like a giant antenna. the way i see it if u are going to make a suppressed shot u should have time to put the suppressor on it first. heres my set up for solo surviving, the gas stove setup kept in my pants with a canteen on my belt(canteen plus the water from the stove should be enough to get you a-b) can food in my pants to be ate last, when food is low in the pot u know to go after the next animal you hear. even with the supressor though if a player hears that its like moths to a flame, youll wanna gut the animal and get out the area. espessially if your pve type. extra food that doesnt fit in my pants a put in my bag, but my bag i keep only what im willing to ditch because if im being shot at and feel i need to flee ill try to ditch the bag somewhere ill remember, reduce the weight to gain my stamina and less to be seen, plus if u do et killed theres a chance they dont find that bag and it can be recovered.
3-as far as "fix-its" go, i carry one of each and all the ductape i can find. use the ductape last being as though it fixes all so its most valuable. if i find a sewing kit that has more left in it then the one i have ill drop mine for it and etc. but ive found it necassary to cary all "fix-its"
4-a headshot with most guns should do yeah. if the arnt wernt protection, mellee to to the head is good to knock them out, a trick i also use in situations is if ive got a lock pick ill go into a 2 story house house and lock myself in a upstairs room, if u have a pursuer you can time a shot so it will aggro zombies wilist they are insde, trapping them somewhere on the stairs or ouside your door. if the zombies kill him, stay still awile they will begin to go away. in a situation where youve got nothing else a can of food in your hands wile increase melee, a good hit to the head can render a player unconscious.
5-a bullet close you will hear the crack of it going past and they also make a loud noise pretty much whatever they hit, you will know if u have been shot at, i would hope your useing headphones with at least sony sonic for the digital surround sound.differant calibers will be louder and sound differant, also get to know the map, if u were on prison island, depend on the direction most likly bolata airfield or the milly tents to the west, listeen for 2 different sounding guns, usually u can determine if the shots are a gunfight or someone killing zombies. with experience you will pick up on things like distance and what the other person is doing. but ur survival instincts will no doubt let you know if u are being shot it
like ive said ive got alot of expierence, i used to have a clan, have done everything from, exterminating dupers, to circit racing, all on official servers, it really is a great game, ill leave a invite to my discord if u wanna talk more, i also streeam on mixer. Happy Zurviving !!