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Everything posted by BoydDayz

  1. BoydDayz

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    I have played almost 400 hours on the xbox dayz and i have some things i want to suggest get fixed or added. - Fixing the day/night cycle -Weathering and Temperature affects -More Wildlife such as bears snakes and other animals that could be hunted or be harmful -Removing hud to give game a better apocolypse style and having the messages saying, "i am hungry" ECT -Reducing inventory size and reducing sizes of every other item to make it less confusing -Hit reg and melee pvp stun locks -More Civilian grade guns like handguns sks izh shotgun blaze lee Enfield ect -More millitary guns like m16 Aug ect -Make it so that only m4s and all the good automatic rifles spawn up north so people have to move around to stop coastal campers -Fix Muzzle Flash staying in place after shots -A lot of fps dropped and game crashes -adding spray paint -Fixing SG5-K and CR-75 Spawns -Players characters are permanent to a server and they go to sleep when you log off like in rust to stop combat logging and server hopping -duplication -Zombies Ruining clothes in a few hits - voip needs improvement -When getting killed in one shot have the gunshot audio play -adding duel m4 mags and more military clothing and more armored options -Feet getting sore when not wearing shoes and broken arms and legs -Fix base building and cars -Helicopters and boats -safezones with traders -community servera and mods -better button mapping -I dont want this game to be p2w but maybe having a form of weapon engravings that you could buy and the funds will go towards the game devs and the play who spent the money could get like a engraved weapon I know this is a lot and i am not expecting this to all be added but its just what my perfect dayz would be.