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Mordred (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mordred (DayZ)

  1. Mordred (DayZ)

    looking for other survivors....

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  2. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for other survivors!!! NOW

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  3. =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  4. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for a group of people to play with

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  5. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for a group / willing to start new group

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  6. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for some people to play with

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  7. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for a group

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  8. Mordred (DayZ)

    Newbie looking for a friend on DayX

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  9. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for a squad/group

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  10. Mordred (DayZ)

    Noobie looking for a friend.

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  11. Mordred (DayZ)

    German guy is looking for a Squad.

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  12. Mordred (DayZ)

    Experienced Player looking for Clan

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  13. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for a home server.

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  14. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for some friends for team

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  15. Mordred (DayZ)

    Active Player looking for band of people!

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  16. Mordred (DayZ)

    Looking for a realistic group to play with!

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  17. Mordred (DayZ)

    New Player here!

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  18. Mordred (DayZ)

    add me so i can play with you

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  19. Mordred (DayZ)

    Survivor Group anybody?

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  20. Mordred (DayZ)

    Wanting to start..

    =*SAS*= Clan is recruiting, private hive and teamspeak CA 69 and ts.sasklan.com 10007, we welcome new members and new adversaries... your choice.
  21. Mordred (DayZ)

    Would like some friends.

    =*SAS*= clan is recruiting. Playing styles vary within the group you can find any playstyle. We have a non hive server so we don't have server jumpers and welcome both new adversaries and new members. CA 69 ts.sasklan.com
  22. Mordred (DayZ)

    Would like some friends.

    =*SAS*= clan is recruiting. Playing styles vary within the group you can find any playstyle. We have a non hive server so we don't have server jumpers and welcome both new adversaries and new members. CA 69
  23. Mordred (DayZ)

    Stole A Car, Found Something Interesting....

    All server hopping needs a ten minute delay. By the time they server hop, wait 10 minutesand hop back in, wait another ten minutes to get in the combat will probably be over and their cheating asses will have spent 20 minutes "sitting in the corner". The only exceptions to the 10 minute wait should be you just started the game, or a death notice was posted to the server.
  24. Many people suck that's why. Mad tommy has probably the best advice. Leaving town you need to find the area closest to the woods or an area that has many hills, use terrian to stay out of sight as much as possible. Remember snipers like the tall hills to hide on so don't run towards them zig zag when running to screw up there shot. If you hear a shot keep running, do not go prone or crouch that just offers a better target. zig zag more and head to cover as fast as possible