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Everything posted by MadVuja

  1. MadVuja

    Zombie Hords + More Zombies

    Hello everyone, This is my first post, so i would like to take this opportunity to greet you all, and to say what a fine game DayZ is...i enjoy playing it, immersively or "arcadishly" :) I have been thinking about how cool it would be, if from time to time there would be a giant massive horde of zombies, traveling throughout the map, spawning randomly on different places, or maybe even not spawning but gathering on some part of the map. It could be a daily event, or weekly. Maybe even create a spot to defend against it. I think it would spark the player cooperation, and it would also be quite immersive. It would also give a daily goal to players, or something like that. Also, a lot more zombies would be nice in standard Standalone, the game would feel much more dangerous and the player would have to play more carefully. Anyway, i am a looong internship games player, and i have to say it to you, this game is awsome. Love it. Stay safe.
  2. MadVuja

    Zombie Hords + More Zombies

    This was exactly my point when i started the tread. I've been playing for 2 weeks now(never played dayz before), and i got shot twice, and not by skill of the other player, but because of my stupid benevolence :) I was tricked into thinking that there are more roleplay players, and not "shoot on sight" playes. But dont get me wrong, this is awsome, it makes you value ingame friends even more. Other than that, there were not other real dangers for me ingame. As far as zombies goes, i was killed once by 3 or 4 zombies, that surrounded me. Other than that, i was never under the impression that they pose a real threat for me, and thats just because they really dont. When i suggested hordes and more zombies, i wanted to change that. If there were more zombies, even if they would behave like they do behave now, the core of tge game(zombies) would be much more dangerous, as i think it should be, cause this is postapocaliptic horror survival :) Now, just incorporate exsisting PVP in the middle of that setting, BOOM, it rocks! (i rocks now, i agree, but then it would rock even more)!
  3. MadVuja

    Zombie Hords + More Zombies

    I honestly dont like the idea of a zombie having enough brains to understand how to open the door :) But on the other hand, how about breakable doors? If a zombie(or enough zombies) start pushing or hitting the doors, they could break, thus opening a way in for them to come inside. The doors should respawn after some time, as loot does. I really like the idea of a house or a building, surrounded by zombies. Because of 2 things: 1. The survivor should never get him/herslef in that situation, and that requires planing and wits while playing. Distractions methods also. 2. Being held like a prisoner inside a building, with no way out, using your radio to call for help, is exactly what this type of games should be :) Its just my subjective opinion :)