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About QuartzOne

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. QuartzOne

    Day Z Videos

    Funny bug
  2. QuartzOne

    Day Z Videos

  3. it is also depends on server.i used these settings and got like 120fps.on the other server im still lagging. i5 3570k @ 4.2GHz DDR3 12Gb 1333MHz ATI Radeon HD 7970 OC'ed 1GHz
  4. QuartzOne

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    After Arma 3 there is no way im gonna play Dayz SA...damn you Arma 3 :(
  5. Dont like it?Dont play it.There is no need to yell about you didnt liked the game as he did.Well yes,the game looks aweful(yet i keep playing it and dayZ) but what he was saying about the game is just bs.Fanboy is not what devs need to introduce their game.
  6. About Rhino : Well.sure he must a great person and his videos is entertaining but all the hate on WarZ changed my opinion,sounded like 12 years old kid raging on some1 for no reason.There is way more ppl that deserved to get in first lane and introduce DayZ SA. If there would be a poll id vote for JackFrags and Karwin(greatest DayZ machinima creator) Leutscher.And how about poor Russians that dont know english? http://www.youtube.com/user/jackfrags http://www.youtube.com/user/kleutscher http://www.youtube.com/user/Wycc220
  7. QuartzOne

    DayZ Development Twitter

    What was the invitational plan?is it just random people or some "special" people?i mean is there is a chance to be in for us,mortals?
  8. QuartzOne

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    The only thing that scares me is all the script bugs\hacks just like in mod right now.Will there be security improvement?Cuz the most major problem is hackers that ruin any multiplayer game of any type.I even managed to play some warZ while waiting for standalone,first few days i was hating on the game but right now i kinda enjoy it except the time when i meet an aimbotter guy.So the question is : how's it goin with anticheats and all that stuff to protect legit players from all the hackers\cheaters\scripters?
  9. QuartzOne

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    the only thing is...why cherno again?this map already boring so ppl making different maps,wider and more interesting.so why cherno why :(
  10. -No lags (atleast should be) -Active admins -Additional anticheat -No hurkadurka letters in names -Restart every 6 hours -Contact email to report issues and hackers -TeamSpeak 3 server. Feel free to join :)
  11. QuartzOne

    best way to Stream DayZ with Xsplit?

    same but with 1920x1080..all these borderless tools doesnt work with arma aswell..it makes ingame render looks like you r playing old imb game.Also i tried to stream using xsplit\ffsplit with dxtory as a cam(my fps in menu is over 200 but stream fps is like 2 lol) somethink really wrong with this game.
  12. Hm,today i noticed there is two taviana maps in dayz commander provided by you and other site?what are the difference?
  13. QuartzOne

    1.7.3 and still no chopper?

    having the same problem with only 1 chopper,we found him on the island there but it was almost fully destroyed so we decided to find all the parts needed to repair it.when we found all the required parts we found out there was no chopper(server log says there is one).Anyways why there is only 1 chopper? where did other choppers gone?and one more..is there is a way to respawn all vehicles to their default position or add more vehicles/move them?official hive,yes.
  14. by the way is there is any plans on merging with other servers in the future?i mean...like..maybe...make a big hive with the same rulesets cuz i love the idea of greenzone and stuff like that.Havnt tried it yet due to forum issues but damn that sounds so good.Also my friend is on the way to start his official chernarus server(good machine,good bandwitch etc,already tested on fallujah private server)
  15. nvm.my googletranslate is the best. what was the chat command to see my guid ingame?