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picky (DayZ)

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About picky (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    dcatsurf (California)

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Deep in the Amazon foraging through seanosilas's rural habitat
  1. picky (DayZ)

    Creating A Team

    This title indicates you are looking to create the A-Team. Oh how I pity the fool..
  2. Hey someone throw us a bone and link what were all talking about..
  3. picky (DayZ)


    Just going to bump. Picture is in the original post now
  4. picky (DayZ)


    Been seeing this box at the bottom left hand side of my screen non-stop. What is it? "MM9999"
  5. Well it is a zombie "Survival" Game.. And the stuff added is supposed to push that boundary. I think it's supposed to feel uncomfortable, I just couldn't imagine a comfy cushy zombie apocalypse. I think the game type more suited to you would be Wasteland. Play it and see which is more for you.. I personally don't like the "Meta-game" that goes on. And think a game that can say, "Hey, meta-game all you like, IDGAF" is a game worthy of the title "survival game" There IS such a thing actually.. as there is for everything.. I for one appreciate the attention to detail by the dev. team to ensure that nothing they release is thought of as "too far" through the communities overall perspective. I cant say I know how to fly a helicopter or Diagnose and repair a vehicle, let alone snipe from upwards of a kilometer; Lets just not get too fancy.. It is still only a game..
  6. picky (DayZ)

    [3D model] Different Food Qualities (3/29 Update)

    Beans for your tuna!
  7. picky (DayZ)


    Most people die before Any physical change like this could ever occur.. it would need an excess of a month (at the least) to ever even hint a slight change in physical appearance due to fat increase.. How long do SUV driving, newb campers usually last? Hint! -less than a month
  8. picky (DayZ)

    New DayZ song "Hell and Back"

    That is so cool. props man..
  9. picky (DayZ)

    What assualt rifle, I can have any in the game

    Leran elngish, uyo noub.
  10. picky (DayZ)

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    Don't be such a drama queen
  11. picky (DayZ)

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    It may be thought of as "unrealistic" but the variables that go into hip firing a weapon can not be represented on a Cartesian coordinate plane, making hip firing in ArmA, just a guess where the center of your screen is. I personally use the crosshair in CQB, as it is again, a way of representing the real life variables, such as depth perception, and distance. Not to mention, in ArmA when Aiming Down Sights, the gun becomes a focal point and the rail of the weapon can be seen in the picture, and this is not how your eyes would perceive it. The picture beyond the sight is what the focus is(the pictures would be put together in your brain) This is similar to why the "head Bob" mechanic makes people queezy; IRL we do have a head sway no matter what we do, but the picture is put together in your brain as a flat level image. Video games are not real life, we don't have to go that far.
  12. picky (DayZ)

    "Rocket Said..." post resurrected *updated 8/8*

    I don't get why he would do that.. wouldn't that ruin the SA? or is it just a way to get more sales for ArmA 3
  13. For the weapons wishlist there should be a picture for each of the weapons.. Cause why not..
  14. picky (DayZ)


    yeah wassup with that?