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grannies house

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About grannies house

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. grannies house

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Also fix landmines plz there hit radius is huge and because duplicating items is a thing I've had times where I spawn in at a coastal town and there are landmines blocking every single door to every building and all u can here is constant explosions
  2. grannies house

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    So when will we see more guns added? Like the B95/ak101/SKS/Winchester/VSS/FN FAL/AK74/AKS74U/AUG/EXT. Cause for 0.63 on PC all the guns I mentioned and a lot more got taken out and weren't even ever out for xbox. So will the guns be eventually added back? And if so when?