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Danish Viking

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About Danish Viking

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Danish Viking

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    btw. I dont get the idear with teaming up in the beginning of the game now. Alone you get less infected more loot If you team up you get more infected everywhere and you have to share the loot. When you had a gun you could do some focus fire now you can just run together. Or as the noob i am did i misunderstand something ? Danish
  2. Danish Viking

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Hi I am very new at this game and mod, only been playing it for like a week. But i like it alot, think i like it better before the update but its still not all bad. Now it semse i use more energy getting food and getting stuff, before the update i used more energy not getting killed bye other players. Sup its up to you what kind of game you want and up to us if we wanna use time on it. I noticed one change that might bee a bug, when i startet playing i could right click once and it slowed down like when using shift, when i do that now it zoom like 1/5 of normal zoom (done with no weapon or the axe in hand) also noticed that crawling now has 2 speeds didnt before but dont think the sight/ear bar change when changin speed. One last thing, i love sneaking around, but hiding in a bush behind a car or a wall really do need to give more cover(less eye bar) then being on a open field. I am impressed with what you can do during one day, just trying to follow the forums is a killer for me. Hope you also find time to play and enjoy your own work. Danish Keep it up, listen
  3. I have a few bugs in Had the hatch before the update now i cant drop it, and need ammo to hit with it. Found a rifle cant change it with the hatch, tryed to put it in my bag, could get the ammo there but rifle disepeard when i put that in. FPS has dropped alot. Crawl is now in 2 speeds, but no sight bar (had 1 before update) And now i got killed typing this. keep up the good work.
  4. Danish Viking

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    You sure do work fast Rocket. But game still keeps on loosing connection. Sup i will wait for Hotfix: Build call if you need some help Danish