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Thomasgc Coles

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About Thomasgc Coles

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Thomasgc Coles

    In player list some of us have (2) next to our gamer tags what does it mean?

    An update after the server reset everyone who has the (2) now don't and only two random people have it , so no idea tho would like dev to say what it is.
  2. @ImpIuZ can you say what this means ? At least 5 of us on the server have this (2) next to our gamer tags and it's persistent too logging off and back in doesn't remove it .
  3. Thomasgc Coles

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    The fnx is the most common mag in the game spawns 80% the time in the green towers that surround military bases
  4. Thomasgc Coles

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    If you try to reload a pistol that you have mag dumped say a 15 round mag with one in the chamber you will reload a single loose round if you have any in your inventory even if you have a full magazine forcing you to have to reload that single round then press y again to load a new mag