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Everything posted by DeathComesSilently

  1. DeathComesSilently

    Cooking + Combining Food, Recipes

  2. DeathComesSilently

    Cooking + Combining Food, Recipes

  3. DeathComesSilently

    Radios and Long distance Communication

    Been suggested, good idea, but yeah.
  4. DeathComesSilently

    Remove sniper rifles.

  5. DeathComesSilently

    PCGamer: Day Z + Arma 3 interview

    I really want dismemberment on zombies now... thanks for getting my hopes up Rocket, lol.
  6. DeathComesSilently

    30 minutes with Rocket at E3

    I love how into this project Rocket is. Seems like an awesome guy, lots of good things to say and is very optimistic. Grats for making it this far, we love your work so far.
  7. DeathComesSilently


    You must be new here. inb4trolls
  8. DeathComesSilently

    this isnt a suggetion rocket, its a demand.

    Look out, we got a badass over here. I don't know if the ArmA engine could handle it, but if it could I'm all for it.
  9. DeathComesSilently

    AI Bandits

    I see no point at all for this when there are already bandit players... stupid idea, sorry. -1
  10. DeathComesSilently

    Radio broadcast towers

  11. DeathComesSilently

    Army convoys

    Could have some fun if you found an AT rocket launcher.
  12. DeathComesSilently

    Side Chat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. DeathComesSilently

    What if DayZ added a single player mode? Hear me out.

    I could see SP getting added on down the road, but not in its current Alpha/Beta state. Also, no co-op. You want co-op? Play online with friends.
  14. DeathComesSilently


    One thing... Da fuck is the point?
  15. DeathComesSilently

    Non-enterable Houses

    I really like this idea, but I heard ArmA 3 will have all enterable buildings so this could make up for that.
  16. DeathComesSilently

    Don't bring back starter weapons

    I'm fine with spawning without a gun maybe, but once melee is ironed out perhaps start with something like that.
  17. DeathComesSilently

    IF this was an actual game...

    I don't see the big reason to continually buy random items for F2P games, sometimes the price of all the stuff you buy would exceed the price of the game itself. I don't like subscription for around the same reasons. I would just like to pay a set upfront price and be done buying stuff. Simple. I also do tons of research on a game before I buy it, so I know what I'm getting. EDIT: Also, I wouldn't mind if there were micro-transactions, so long as it wasn't for weapons and OP items that would turn it into a Pay2Win game.
  18. DeathComesSilently

    Bandits get red eyes!

    I really like the red eye idea, yeah it's not very realistic but not everything has to be. We still need good pointers to who you may be able to trust and who you cant. What about friendlies then? Would they have blue eyes? I also like the "wanted" poster idea a lot. I don't want any real special rewards for those who do kill the wanted person, but at least some pointers would be nice, 'specially for roving "bandit killing" gangs and the like.
  19. DeathComesSilently

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only, I never buy extra shit in F2P, and never play games with monthly subs. Studio Developed. Kickstarter perhaps.
  20. That's... it's... no. Just no. That is a little overkill, with how many people play now, you would just log back in dead and looted, and how awesome would that be to log off for a day, come back the next to see a big "You are dead" screen.
  21. DeathComesSilently

    Please keep no-weapon spawns

    Agreed here. No weapons at all is a little much, starting with melee in the least sounds fair to me.
  22. DeathComesSilently

    [FIX] Blocky tree and grass textures

    Will even the tiniest amount of AA or AF cause this?