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About DeathComesSilently

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    I play a lot of games. As long as it hasn't been done to death before I'll play it. I love dubstep, electronica, heavy metal, rock, and all that shit. Almost anything with a good beat. Hell, I like almost anything except pop. I'll talk about anything, anytime. I don't watch T.V, only Youtube n' animes. I'm a guy. I am not a bronie, but I dont dislike em'. Thats all the basics!

    "Playing a game for the graphics is like watching a porno for the story-line."
    "Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference."

    Computer specs: Windows 7 (64-bit), 6 Gigs ram, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 Graphics card, Screen resolution 1920x1080 at 60hz, 2 Terrabyte HD.

    Favorite Movies: Inception, The Dark Knight, Army of Darkness, Aliens, Back To The Future, Die Hard, Terminator 2, Starship Troopers.
  1. DeathComesSilently

    Making DayZ free

    So your pre-teen brain can understand, I will put everyone's thoughts in a single post. Do not call people immature when you are. Calling people out on their spelling/grammar? Learn it yourself first, I can find more than 3 mistakes in each of your posts. There's this thing called "Google", which can search the internet for anything! That's right, anything! Try it out. It will eventually be a stand-alone, but not for a few months, as it is only in the alpha stage. Also, this. Grow the hell up.
  2. DeathComesSilently

    Custom Grid View Image for Steam

  3. DeathComesSilently

    Custom Grid View Image for Steam

  4. DeathComesSilently

    Custom Grid View Image for Steam

    Since a lot of people play ArmA 2: OA mainly for DayZ, I thought it would be nice to create a custom grid view image for Steam. Take a look at the spoiler below to preview it. If you want to use it for yourself, save it to your PC from this spoiler: To change to it, right click ArmA 2: OA in grid view, then click "Set custom image..." And then select this image. Simple! Hope you enjoy, please provide feedback!
  5. DeathComesSilently

    Weapon Personalization (maybe not what you're think)

    +1 Like it. The scratches would be hard to do, but as others have said could be on inspect to see.
  6. DeathComesSilently

    what do you think if dayz be like this ?

    Fuck. No.
  7. DeathComesSilently

    How about own players statistic page on site?

    +1 Yeah, sure, why not.
  8. DeathComesSilently

    Barb wire needs to go

  9. DeathComesSilently


    All this. Agreed, +1
  10. DeathComesSilently

    The lost paratrooper (Alternate player spawn/loot drop)

    The spawn is a no from me, but the loot drop idea is cool, we need more dynamic events. Not as much in Alpha though, still need more bug fixes first.
  11. DeathComesSilently

    Shitty thread, shitty user.

    U mad? Fuck off. PvP isn't going anywhere.
  12. DeathComesSilently

    Suggestion on how to balance Zed aggro and pvp (Long)

    +1 I don't see why not, would fix a lot of problems, and be realistic.
  13. DeathComesSilently

    pistol holster toolbar item (and others)

    +1 This is actually a really good idea, and I don't know why no one else has posted it yet, or I haven't seen a suggestion for it anyway.
  14. DeathComesSilently

    DayZ map expansion. go big and go home

    Don't think we need MORE maps, just expand on the one we have. I'm sure it can be changed. Expand it, add more towns/areas to it.
  15. DeathComesSilently

    Friend Spawning

    Sorry, no.