Menu controls seem fine,(maybe RS scroll up and down in tents etc...) but as far as in game controls go.....
I think in depth custom sensitivity settings, similar to pubg or warthunder will be very important to this game. Currently, fine tuned aiming is nearly impossible because the default aim acceleratin, deadzone and general sensitivity transitions are very rough and not smooth at all, making tracking moving targets more difficult than necessary.
LT- Raise Weapon
LT+RT- Fire/Swing weapon
LT+Y- heavy melee
LT+LB- Hold Breath
LT+Click LS- lean left
LT+Click RS- lean right
LT+LB+Down- quick drop backpack
Click LS- camera left
Click RS- camera right
RT- quick emote
RB- Free look
LB- emote wheel
LB+RT- quick emote assignment
Up-Zoom toggle
Down- Drop item in hands
Left- Activate quick wheel
Right- Scroll wheel
A- jump/interact
B- Crouch/prone
X- reload
Y- next item in hotwheel
Or maybe even give us the option for custom mapping
-Being able to move while in inventory would be nice
-cars have near 0 traction and will not travel off road or uphill without a running start. 4x4 implies off road abilities....
-inventory is very laggy, and does not scroll correctly
- choppy framerate makes long sessions literally a headache inducing eyesore, maybe it's the sharpness....
-Logout function is missing PvP detection and logout denial
We really appreciate you taking the time to ask the community for suggestions!