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Buflak (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Buflak (DayZ)

  1. Buflak (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    That's how tents worked before they were broken. You put them down, and they get "finalized" after a server restart. Once that happens it's safe to store stuff in them. But the first restart right after you pitch them will always wipe the contents.
  2. Buflak (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Or you could just delete off topic and flaming, get some serious moderation going in these forums. It sure as hell needs it.
  3. Buflak (DayZ)

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    I saw this when you were trying to connect to the server: Times are EST+6 We did not ban you, BattlEye did.
  4. Buflak (DayZ)

    Admin abuse US 137 Tacticalgamer.com clan server

    We didn't ban you. According to our server logs you got globally banned by BattlEye for cheating/hacking, you'll have to take it up with them.
  5. It seem like loot won't respawn if anyone is within 30 meters, not just the person the loot is tied to. Needs further testing to be sure.
  6. True, maybe i shouldn't have used the word "force". Let's say encourage. You can still play alone but now it's a lot harder than before. If you have the patience and the ammo, you can solo Cherno if you want to. But the chances of you dying will significantly decrease if you work in a group. It makes perfect sense too, i sure wouldn't want to be all alone in a real zombie apocalypse when i can choose to be part of a bigger group where we can protect eachother. As for the argument about playing the game any way you want to, you can. Just some ways won't be as effective as others. Can i take my bus and drive off a cliff just because that's the way i want to play? Sure. Will i survive? Unlikely.
  7. Finally zombies are actually a threat, instead of a minor annoyance like they were before. This will hopefully discourage lonewolfing and force survivors to work together. Zombie behaviour makes sense. If you see them they can probably see you as well. But if you stay out of their sight you can run up surprisingly close to them. Now just fix their zigzagging movement and then make them run inside of buildings too. This is a zombie apocalypse, zombies should be a bigger threat than players. This version is a step in that direction. edit: i'm pretty sure rocket said they aren't undead cratures, just humans infected with a virus that makes them rage and behave like animals.