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The Sempars

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Everything posted by The Sempars

  1. The Sempars

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Inventory is hard to use. 1) picking up items should never go into a smaller container in your backpack(pot,protective case). 2) adding a scope to your weapon should auto equip and detach handle or other sight. 3) Holding (A) to move items is very clunky takes to long to move items from inventory to Tent or barrel or bag. You have to drop items on ground then move them to tent in order to work. Also you can not Hold (A) and move up in your inventory, you have to go all the way down the list to get to the container you want. 4) When having a lot of items in tent or barrel you get two pages of item. You have to guess which item is high lighted in order to grab the item. Its like there are 2 pages of inventory that doesn't scroll It just switches pages. 5) clothes/backpacks should be in order of how many slots they have. Small containers should be at top or bottom. dont matter as long as they are in Numerical order. To many R-trigger to get around. Start Kit Needs a Radio! Xbox players like playing with other players. Starting with a radio will help players connect faster on the coast and able to help new or solo players. Right now no one uses a radio, maybe it would change with it in your start kit so you can contact other survivors. Weapons/melee and Silencers Degrade WAY WAY WAY to fast. M4/AK after 45 rounds the silencer is ruined. Fire fights can last a few min. You cant stop in middle of a fire fight to fix your Silencer. Maybe im wrong on this one, idk but just how i feel and my buddies too. We HAVE to have TOONS locked to a sever. Sever hopping is out of control and breaks immersion. I'm always getting in a fire fights and people logging in behind me in the room that i have locked or they just combat log and move on to a different server at the sight of another player. Bases, and towns constently lotted because people log in and out of same spot to get looted up. No immersion whats so ever. No point in building a base when players can just swap servers and log into your base. :(
  2. The Sempars


    On a High POP server, I hardly see anyone in towns or bases anymore. Everyone is in the woods duping.. BOOORRRINNNGGG