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Everything posted by Ralfnader

  1. So I play DayZ primarily with a friend, but our schedules are hit-and-miss, so often times I want to play, but don't want to lose our shared progress. I'm fully willing to buy another copy (I've heard you only need OA) but the technical jargan for how to do it is too damn high. Need some child-like advice as to how to change CD-keys so I can easily launch one DayZ with my buddy, and another by myself. *NOTE* As of recently I use the rocket launcher, thing to run games. So I don't open it through steam. *EDIT* I've purchased OA again, created a new steam account/email and found that it obviously has a new CD-key. Now I am needing help figuring out how to swap them.
  2. Well, I don't want to re-install dayz every day, I was reading other posts and heard something about changing the registry key, or something. Through using "run" It was just so technical sounding it hurt my brain. :|