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Everything posted by cj187_berlin

  1. cj187_berlin

    A question about the Tier levels

    If you want to let items spawn at different locations in different tiers, then use the item class two times Like: <type> Item1 Lifetime Police Tier1 Tier2 </type> <type> Item1 Lifetime Military Tier3 Tier4 </type>
  2. cj187_berlin

    Backpack attachments ?

    On the 'Reflector-Vest'-Slot will be attached the handheld Radio.
  3. cj187_berlin

    When we can expect the following things to be in game

    Finally I want back ragdoll and item physics! I hate to see flying items
  4. cj187_berlin

    Underground utilities!

    The main building in Tisy has an underground bunker.
  5. cj187_berlin

    Crowbar for open locked door?

    Why? The locked doors are open after server restart! The doors persistence are not working!
  6. cj187_berlin

    Climbing infected?

    When we get climbing infected? I don't mean the jump over fences, I mean climb on boxes, cars and other stuctures. Because it is way to easy to kill countless infected by standing on an object.
  7. cj187_berlin

    Make fish eatable again

    You must skin and cook them...
  8. cj187_berlin

    can't refuel the car

    Sit inside the car on drivers seat and look the fuel needle -.-
  9. cj187_berlin

    Is it possible to create new Fluid Classes?

    Nobody know how it is possible?
  10. The Bottle-Items can be setup to get filled with different fluids like water, gasoline and so on. There are many different ID's from 1 over 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on. Where can I found the sources of this ID's? I tested some fluids on a test bottle and most time the fluid inside the bottle was called "error" Can I create new ID's? Like Milk, Berry juice or fruit juice? Can someone help me out?
  11. cj187_berlin

    Brain disease tweak (cannibalism)

    And how?
  12. cj187_berlin

    Why is it so difficult to drive?

    Patch 1.01 has better driving Performance than 1.02! With 1.00 and 1.01 I never crashed a car! NEVER!!! And 3 days after 1.02 I was stop 10-12 meters in front of a closed industrial gate and got instant lag. One second later I hear two times crahsounds and my car stands inside the gate! Ruined radiator, hood, wheels and battery. 😞
  13. cj187_berlin

    Why is it so difficult to drive?

  14. I don't have access to the cargo inventory from barrels, cars, fireplaces and so on. The items on the ground will be visible in Inventory-screen when i stay directly on it only!!!
  15. cj187_berlin

    The best pistol for you

    my choise is the OTS-33 Pernach from the FIDOv PACK 4 - Modpack
  16. cj187_berlin

    Better ruined items

    Please add better item models when it is ruined. Not only change the texture... And implement some penalties if we ruin tools or use ruined items longer. Example 1: Tools When I ruin my tool by using it, maybe an axe, the tool will break in two pieces, like this: https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/broken-axe-picture-id114444745 When I ruin my tool by using it, it will be a chance to hurt myself and get bleeding wound. Example 2: Backpack If I wear a ruined backpack, the capacity will be smaller and items will drop after a random time or distance on the ground... https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcSfV0GDfpiDc0H6sb1aE8NNDXxB--F4h3yVw4C1_bhlM2fLgxys
  17. cj187_berlin

    Better ruined items

    All of them you can find in Workshop...
  18. cj187_berlin

    Сombination lock (5x)

    Look in the workshop, there is an 5 digit lock
  19. hello, is there a Bug? I made some Custom Bottle-Reskins based on WaterBottle, Vodka and others... i can use the Gasoline Cannister, the WaterBottle, the Canteen and the Vodka Bottle to fill it with Gasoline at Fuelstations and can refuel the Car with them! But with my custom WaterBottles, i can fill it with every liquid in the Game, but i cant refuel the Car! Also the Improvised Wather Pouches cant be used to refuel the Car... i can fill it with gasoline, but i cant refuel Cars... Do i made sonmething wrong? Is there a Bug???
  20. cj187_berlin

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    That because utilities belt
  21. cj187_berlin

    Making Chernarus look more post-apocalyptic.

    This already ingame. I created a New type of Zeds: "InfectedHeavyArmy" There are only armored soldiers with bulletproof vest and helmets. There are spawning only on NWA and Tisy and have a lot of all types amunition. Some times they have 9 stacks ammonition.
  22. cj187_berlin

    Splitted Item capacity

    Make it possible to setup multiple slots as capacity for our gear. Not only 2x4 or 8x8 fields... It is very stupid to put a MP5 in the Poket of our pants!!! Make it possible to tell the config more inventory slots. Like this: https://answers.unrealengine.com/storage/temp/240284-tarkovinventory.jpg Itemstoragesize " 1x2,1x3,1x3,2x3,1x2,2x1,1x2" Then we can made some items, clothes and container much bigger in general but with some smaller separated fields.
  23. cj187_berlin

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    In the events.xml, there are the event "Loot" : <restock>3600</restock> <saferadius>1500</saferadius> <distanceradius>1500</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>1500</cleanupradius> This are my settings.
  24. cj187_berlin

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    Good update! Can't walk under camonet-shelters. Watchtower don't have visible inventory! Very good! And please tell us, how go give custom recipes a crafting animation. I hate the default animation! And finally!! Fix that huge fps drop/lag when I come close to a base! I destroyed many cars because 3-5 sec lag. The car ends in a building or tree! The stutters are so annoying! Every time when i comes around 1km near a base! Fix it damit!!!
  25. cj187_berlin

    Ban infected from my base?

    @SmashT and how can i use the new areaflags.xml?