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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So where is the admin that kicked him? There's no reason he should be unable to comment on the situation. He can make a new username on the forums just like you and CaTFisH did.
  2. The first 3 are from before we killed the guy who appeared in the camp. The last ones are when the server was going down (a few minutes past killing whoever spawned), then a few shortly after the server went back up. Did you not see the screenshots where I had the Ural after the server reset? :P Nothing's hard to find for someone not walking straight to the NW Airfield or Chern. Over 800m? And you're calling bs? Nobody I know has ever died randomly joining into a server – sometimes I have died from somebody killing me while loading in, but that's another story. My friend was in the middle of nowhere, safe in a forest. It is awfully fishy how the person that killed a clanmember trying to defend the camp dies the first time he joins after the server's been down all day. Also fishy how the same person was kicked right after killing the clanmember, and none of you have commented on that yet.
  3. PHOTO DUMP I arrived an hour after my friend stumbled upon this area. Here are a bunch of screenshots with commentary. Arriving at the site, you can see a truck & motorcycle on one side and the gigantic tent area on the other. A tractor, 2 buses, UAZ, Ural Truck, and other things. Sorry for the windows media player stuff - I didn't have any actual screenshots so I just took them from the video I recorded. More tents. Playerlist showing a few bTd clanmembers in after the server after my friend killed the clan member (may have been bTd iFistUrDad, but I'm not sure because I stopped recording when that happened – but it was definitely a bTd member) and got kicked. Before this incident there were no bTd members on. Screenshot of the scoreboard while the server was being shut down. Note the timestamp in top left. A screenshot 3-4 minutes later (note the timestamp), after the server went back up. The scoreboard reset when the server did. I managed to find the Ural truck but I lost the UAZ. After everything cooled down, I got a screenshot of the loot we piled in, after finding out it was hacker spawn. Note the SVD (camo) and SVD Camo. I don't think the SVD (camo) exists in DayZ - it's not on the wiki. The only difference between the SVD Camo and SVD (camo) is that the (camo) had desert camo on the gun. Here's the imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/8zVga Summary: unless you like hackers, don't donate to Brothers til Death :P http://www.brotherstildeath.com/donations ◄▬ >:(
  4. because the regular (mostly mature) arma 2 player wouldnt destroy his own game... lol I think he's referring to the OP, also stop acting so full of yourself.
  5. Yep, this guy is a hacker. I took the screenshots. It's worth noting how the first 5 times Zero was killed, it says "friendly fire", and my friend (Rock God 64) said his murders/bandits killed never changed in the 3 times he killed him. I didn't get a screenshot, but the last time he died it gave the standard "Zero was killed". He left the server shortly after.
  6. In Vegas, I use 8Mbps .wmv. Edit the preset that comes with it to make sure the resolution is 1920x1080 (default is 1440x1080 I believe), and set it to VBR (variable bitrate). It's what I use and my videos look basically flawless when uploaded to youtube. If you need more help, reply. I'm at work so the instructions are as specific as I could remember off the top of my head
  7. Good idea. My modification on it: when you are facing another player, there should be some ~30 degree cone in which your voice travels ~50-100m. If you aren't facing a player, it travels the normal 20m.
  8. No. The reason it is how it is is so you don't kill a player solely for their skin. I know player killing is shitty at the moment (for others mostly, not for me), but that's something else to discuss and shouldn't have an impact on this decision. Giving in to this (getting skins from dead guys) follows the mentality of "oh, pvp is really high and it's rare to find a friendly, might as well make it even harder to team up". It's giving another incentive to kill.
  9. I'm surprised this thread isn't more popular. Agree with OP 100%. One suggestion I have for increased communication is a complete weapon holster option. I know there is double-tap ctrl to lower your primary, but I'm thinking of something more than that. A way to appear completely unarmed, and render yourself vulnerable (would take +/- 3 seconds to get your gun out for shooting), but appear friendly to any player. Of course, bandits/dickheads would shoot if they saw you were an easy target & had your weapon holstered, but I think it would be a step in the right direction for facilitating more face-to-face player interaction. As it is now, other survivors appear too dangerous.
  10. Yes yes yes. It's only happened to me once when changing my video settings, trying to get better FPS/fix the wire fence glitch, but when it did I was really pissed.
  11. 2nd one without a doubt. "I survived.." is really obnoxious.
  12. I agree with Harry on most points, especially how finding your friends is part of the journey. That's why this game is so fun: every player's life is valuable, and it took them time to get where they are. It wouldn't be as satisfying to kill a bandit you know just spawned next to his friend, or a survivor if that's your thing. A spawning system would devalue player lives and, in my opinion, make the game less fun.
  13. Didn't think there was any chance of another thread, so I didn't search, but wow! I'm gonna keep my thoughts in this thread though. I think this would make a great addition. The pooping and peeing could be on realistic time – maybe you have to poop once every 4 hours (or maybe even more), and pee rarely as well – if you're running around while hydrated most of the water gets sweated out anyway. I think it would be awesome to be sitting around a campfire with 3 of your friends, a tent set up, then saying, "oh brb guys i gotta take a shit", walking away behind a bush and pooping, bury it with the entrenching tool (more uses for items!) so zombies can't smell it, then walk back satisfied. Or you can just poop on top of the camp fire. A group of friends could also pee on a campfire to make sizzly smoke & put the fire out! The whole smell attracting zeds thing could be worked on – maybe the radius in which they smell anything could be as large as smoke grenades attracting them, which isn't that large – I don't think zombies have great senses of smell, and if they did, the smell of rotting flesh all around would do a good job of masking poop and pee.
  14. Think about it. Your character will have to poop and pee, like real life. There will be a brown glow around your food HUD icon that gradually gets darker over time, eventually getting very dark, and then flashing just like when you are starving or dehydrated. At that point, you may poop randomly at any moment, and be vulnerable for a certain period of time (20 seconds? 30 seconds? a minute?). The same goes for peeing; there could be a yellow glow around the water icon that eventually flashes if you've not satisfied your need to pee for a while. You will then pee (your pants? then there would have to be some sort of speed debuff, but i'm not sure if debuffs are a good idea for this – making yourself vulnerable for 10 seconds is enough). Imagine killing a bandit that's been stalking you for the past 10 minutes, then walking over to his body and taking a shit on his face. Think about sneaking up behind your buddy while he's afk then unzipping your pants and peeing all over him right when he comes back. Maybe if you pee on somebody's face it can blur vision temporarily & has a chance to cause infection/disease (Rocket mentioned the temperature system may implement some sort of sickness, could coincide with that). If you contract some sort of sickness, your poops will be irregular – maybe you can get constipated, or even have projectile diarrhea spray up to 2 feet away. Poop decals are, of course, required. If you eat beans, you may get super farty and have to fart every so often. The noise could reveal your location. This would give value to different food sources (so pasta/sardines/beans aren't all exactly the same) – ones that make you fart less, or have less diabolical poops. For pooping, maybe you will need to carry around toilet paper – if you can't find any, you can use bandages, or you can get a speed debuff from chafed butt. This is all I can be assed to write right now, but I may come back later and add. I think it's a pretty amazing idea, and I've always wanted a game where I could poop and pee realistically. Let me know what you think & feel free to discuss! :)
  15. yep. all that spawns for me is bodies covered in a black blanket, and maybe some backpacks here or there. killed maybe 6 zombies in my 4 hours of playing today. v1.5.6 btw
  16. To solve the issue of bandits aborting after being spotted, there should be maybe a 20-30 second timer whenever you disconnect, where your player stays alive & vulernable (idle) for that time. This discourages people from aborting because a mob of zombies finally catches up to them, or if someone's a bandit and gets spotted but wants to be a lamey loser cheater. This system would bypass a client-side abort timer that could be avoided by Alt+F4ing, because it would be dependent on servers. This system could use some tweaking to deal with crashes (although my A2 has never ever crashed) if needed. Like aLmAnZo says, "The mystery and uncertainty is important". That quote sums up all my feelings of DayZ. There should never be a map given to you when you spawn that shows your location. There shouldn't be obvious factions. There should never be a way to form a squad and respawn on your friends when you die. Running to meet up with others, possibly getting lost on the way, is half the game, and the time and hard work put into meeting up places a ton of value on your character's life, knowing you could die at any moment and you won't respawn next to your friend in 5 seconds. The adrenaline and anxiety that comes with not knowing if that survivor's friendly or if there's a sniper on that building is what makes this game fun. Hiding on top of a hospital next to a helicopter in Cherno, scared to move because your friend just got fucking sniped by a bandit and you have no idea where it is, that's fun. My friend and I are on the edge of a hilly forest, and see a survivor going through a barn. Luckily I have a sniper, and try to snipe him, but miss. Instantly you can tell the survivor is fucking terrified. He starts running through a field, trying to get to safety because he's not sure where the bullet came from. You can see the fear in his character's movements as he looks behind every few seconds, having no idea where we are. That's fucking fun, hilarious, and exhilerating. A lot of this game is luck and of course, if you fuck up by going right instead of left, a bandit could shoot you. But that's why this game is so fun – you don't know if there's an enemy around the corner. There shouldn't be any penalties for being a bandit, and no additional incentives (at least with what I can see so far) to being a survivor. There already are enough – as a bandit, you're a target to survivors, but also a prime target for other bandits. As a survivor, you're a target to bandits, but also a target for other survivors. It's free for all and that's why it's good. In most situations, it's safer to be a survivor and dodge a few bandit bullets to get your gear. The tradeoff with choosing to become a bandit is that, if you're gonna be a dickhead and kill everybody, everybody will know, and your existence could come to an end if someone sneaks up behind you. Three bandits camping a building and you get shot every time you go near it? Go somewhere else. The map is huge, and maybe you'll end up finding a sniper and then you can go back, murder the bandits camping that building, steal their beans & ALICE pack, and get an awesome sense of satisfaction knowing you just shit all over them. THAT is DayZ, and that is fun. All opinions are subject to change, and also, this game is in alpha. I'm sure lots of gameplay refinements are coming in the future. :heart: