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Everything posted by Norvern

  1. Norvern

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    I think the words 'Premium DLC' indicate it will be pay to play.
  2. Norvern

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    Great to see news of this new content. I'd pay for it as DLC, but not until all of the issues with Chenarus map are resolved first. I play on XBox, previously played on PC about 4 years ago. Bugs have got worse and content less, particularly environment effects. Main fixes needed in main game before investing effort on DKC are; Inventory glitches/ navigation - unable to retrieve items from containers. Car reliability, respawns, lag crashes Lag in any town Duping Fix those things then your 'announcement' about DLC will be welcomed by the player base. We paid for this game, we are your client's. You don't listen to us
  3. So I was making my way down the coast to Kamyshovo to meet up with a squad member who had spawned in Electro. He got sniped at by 2 guys in full ghillie suits from the rocks at Kamyshovo overlooking the rail line. He got away. We met up, I gave him my spare M4 and we put out a call for other squad members to back us up. Meantime the ghillie bandits are still sniping fresh spawns. Our buddy arrives, we go into hero mode and take them out. As we are looting their bodies we get meleed by a fresh spawn, presumably one of the ghillie bandits. He dies. We spot another freshie and invite him to loot up. We move on to Solichny, where we have an extended firefight. 1 of us dies but gets a lucky spawn nearby so comes back to loot up. Another couple of firefights. 2 of us die. Here's the Karma bit. I spawn in Electro next to another freshie (not my squad mate) We team up to head up coast and the guy reveals he was one of the Kamy ghillie bandits and was also in the crew we battled in Solichny - how did they gear up so fast? Anyways, I gain his trust, he ignores the first rule of DayZ "trust non-one". We make it back to Solichny. I set him up for an ambush by my squad. He dies. Karma. He gets a lucky spawn and comes back bitching and moaning about how he was deceived, trying to convince another squad to attack us. We can hear every word as he is in game chat. What he doesn't know is we are already talking to the other squad on party chat and are in the process of forming an alliance. He dies. Karma again. Ok, so now we move out of Solichny to Solichny Factory Next we see a fully ghillied player ADS at a freshie. He dies. We communicate with the freshie and invite him to loot the ghillie bandits We have a false sense of security and leave cover to approach the ghillie corpse. We die. Sniped by ghillie bandits. Karma is a bitch; and so is DayZ. There's nothing else like it.
  4. Norvern

    VoIP & Party chat

    I have to agree. Couldn't believe it when I bought an Xbox and couldn't plug in a USB headset. Instead I have to buy some piece of crap adapter and attach my HS to the controller.