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Terry M Pritchett

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About Terry M Pritchett

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Terry M Pritchett

    Set spawn points for base building

    Set spawn zones for base building. Right now base building is a glorified storage area for your extra loot. I want it to be so much more than that. I would like to see a system added in from Bohemia interative of making your own spawn zones. Now before i get a bunch of hate for this request here me out. I think it would make the game alot more fun to explore if you can inhabit a area with your base. Make a set spawn zone where your bed is or base (idea from Ark) so we can have more group pvp/settlement take overs etc. I would like to be able to meet back up with my group easily instead of running all over the map to find them. We should still keep the hardcore aspect and give a long respawn time or no spawn when attack (Just incase your base is being seiged). I feel like it would add more to pvp/roleplaying element to the game instead everyone to scared to fight or going to shoot fresh spawns at the coast. It would be more of a reason to grow gardens and build if you are able to invest into a area. Plus to keep expliot to a minuman you can destroy the spawn zone so you don't have to worry about the people ever spawning there again. Please let me know your guys thoughts and see if one of you can get a responds to Bohemia. I really love this game and i want to make this into a living world.