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Darrell Moneymaker

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About Darrell Moneymaker

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  1. Darrell Moneymaker

    new map terrain issue.

    i figured it out, i wasn't using the correct normal map.
  2. Darrell Moneymaker

    new map terrain issue.

    so you want me to watch it another 20 times? i have downloaded his own "tutorial_map" and that does the same thing. no thats not buldozer. thats in the game, exported the pbo, and booted the mission.
  3. Darrell Moneymaker

    new map terrain issue.

    building a new map and i can't get the terrains to load in. im not sure if it the path the terrain in the Layer.cfg. or what, any ideas? PLEASE do not post Matthew Longtime video on it, i've seen it, I've tried it and it doesn't work. https://imgur.com/a/dE3QNZY
  4. Darrell Moneymaker

    Community Offline Mode testing NOT WORKING?

    that no longer works, but i figured it out.
  5. i'm working on a new map, not done just testing currently, exported the pbo, point the launcher that the mod, added in "-mission=.\Missions\DayZCommunityOfflineMode.ChernarusPlus -scrAllowFileWrite" Like the Github pages says, Dayz boots fine, progress wheel spins for 15 secs, then it freezes. i can hit ESC and get to the menu, but it doesn't load. any ideas? using DayZCommunityOfflineMode 2.2 . On Dayz 1.0.15
  6. Darrell Moneymaker

    will dayz Enfusion engine mods be able to be ported into ARMA 4?

    yes i red that same article, and even though they say that. currently there is a 99% chance A4 will be on Enfusion, so it can be claimed that any current work done is for A4. but thats but semantics. i think it does matter, i believe that if A4 is on Enfusion and mods can be ported that Dayz SA will die, and everyone will move to A4. BUT SA mods can't, i don't want to waste my time, 2+ years, on a game that will never be finished.
  7. simple and easy question. will dayz Enfusion engine mods be able to be ported into ARMA 4, whenever A4 does come out?