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Everything posted by somedamnguy

  1. somedamnguy

    US20 CQF

  2. is it possible for a Dayz mod to rip the log off a server? I just don't see how having the admin produce the log could be reasonably secure. if this accusation is real it could be a big deal, or it could all be BS.
  3. Screen shot please? We need to figure out if its a global ban, we can then talk about why you were banned and bring in the server admin if necessary. Edited for poor grammar.
  4. somedamnguy


    unsure why your thread has been overlooked, usually there are at least trolls here O.o. Bump!
  5. somedamnguy

    Shadow12 banned for global voip spam.

    You are a complete ignorant moron man' date=' that is off topic and is stupid as fuck to say that , no one needs to hear ignorance, go post on your own shit.[hr'] I am the only admin that has posted in this thread so far good sir. Please do not think any of these other posts reflect the views and opinions of the server. It sure shows how you THINK before you DO--- also ONE ADMIN reflects on ALL SERVER ADMINS . Don't ya think ? You know' date=' I've never understood this phenomenon of people getting banned then coming to the forum to ask for help while flaming everyone who responds...... [/quote'] I only flame the ones who come with ignorance unhelpful responses and I responded to dookie the admin who banned me for 7 days letting him know that his actions resemble the whole server. But you did so in an extremely immature manner, especially since your the one asking for help here, you need to approach this with more respect and less anger.
  6. somedamnguy

    Shadow12 banned for global voip spam.

    You are a complete ignorant moron man' date=' that is off topic and is stupid as fuck to say that , no one needs to hear ignorance, go post on your own shit.[hr'] I am the only admin that has posted in this thread so far good sir. Please do not think any of these other posts reflect the views and opinions of the server. It sure shows how you THINK before you DO--- also ONE ADMIN reflects on ALL SERVER ADMINS . Don't ya think ? You know, I've never understood this phenomenon of people getting banned then coming to the forum to ask for help while flaming everyone who responds......
  7. somedamnguy

    Ban info

    You sir are on the very long, even prestigious, list of people who "happened upon" a hacked weapon stash. At some point you need to either attribute this fate itself, or realize that everyone is just hacking them in themselves.
  8. Its a long wait list, i think we've got time.
  9. somedamnguy

    Looking for a group

    ill come too if its not too much trouble; Steam: SomeDamnGuy Skype: TheSameDamnGuy (im very creative)
  10. somedamnguy

    My Squad Banned On Seattle 58 - Video Proof

    String them up too! and tie weights to their testicles!
  11. somedamnguy

    My Squad Banned On Seattle 58 - Video Proof

    1: did they give any type of reasoning? 2: is it possible to show the message you get when you try to log into seattle 58? thanks for the feedback, and i really hope this gets resolved!
  12. any way you could post a screenshot of the message you get when you log in? thanks
  13. somedamnguy

    permabanned with no warning by tnbdare

    Im sorry nobody here is attacking you. He has apologized and is asking for a lighter punishment. If i were an admin' date=' and perhaps i am not for a good reason, i would take this apology (had it been written to me personally) and turn his perma-ban into a 3-4 day ban and keep watch on him. However, you posting this on the forums and asking the DayZ staff to forcefully overturn his judgement (which is what this place is for) is simply silly, especially considering you are 100% in the wrong. [/quote'] He is not specifically asking the day-z staff to overturn his ban. Hes posting this to the community and hopefully the admin of tx11. An apology and is asking for a second chance. I'll be monitoring that, and requesting a blacklisting if you do ban him for not breaking any rule on YOUR server. thats your warning. lol don't threaten me boy. A dev himself came here and said your friend was in the wrong. You think you can get me blacklisted? Give it your best shot. I love the empty threats. They taste delicious. i know for a fact elim was in the wrong. NOBODY is disputing that. He was asking for leniancy. a second look. a second chance. he apologized. and its no empty threat. if you ban his GUID on your server when he has not even connected to your server, much less show proof of any offense. I will request your server to be blacklisted. Thankfully Rocket has the foresight to prevent such rogue admins in day-z. The absolute only way your going to make headway here is to contact the TX11 admin yourself and tell him these things, or link him here. I'm unsure if admins are required to check these forums, and even so your title is very poorly thought out and gives no flags to the TX11 admin to check this particular thread. You need to focus this post at the admin of TX11 instead of the community, because as far as the community goes; your punishment is just.
  14. somedamnguy

    permabanned with no warning by tnbdare

    Im sorry nobody here is attacking you. He has apologized and is asking for a lighter punishment. If i were an admin, and perhaps i am not for a good reason, i would take this apology (had it been written to me personally) and turn his perma-ban into a 3-4 day ban and keep watch on him. However, you posting this on the forums and asking the DayZ staff to forcefully overturn his judgement (which is what this place is for) is simply silly, especially considering you are 100% in the wrong.
  15. somedamnguy

    permabanned with no warning by tnbdare

    what? your not even going to hide the fact that you said the N word? well, there goes the fun that would have resulted from tracking the logs and finding out your full of it, guess ill move on to the next appeal :/. on a side note: racial remarks ARE bannable, GL HF.
  16. somedamnguy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    you'll shoot your eye out.
  17. somedamnguy

    Give me my stuff back.

    a quick synopsis of this thread: OP- I WANT MAI STUFFS BACK Forum- a system in which people can simply ask for and receive gear is deeply flawed and highly exploitable. as well as this game is in alpha. OP- I DONT GIVE NO SHITS!@!#!#! STUFFS BACK PLEASE! Forum- We already told you the problems with allowing people to just get their items back. OP- NO! I WANT MAI STUFFS!!!!!!shiftone111 pretty accurate right?
  18. somedamnguy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    the side chat thing is a result of the beta patch (required for the 1.7.1 update). as far as i can tell, this is an intended result and will not be changed. as for the direct chat thing, are you positive people CANNOT hear you? or they are just not responding? (possibly because they speak a different language or are unsure of how to switch to direct, or they just dislike you)
  19. somedamnguy

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Rocket: have you considered making server updates mandatory within a few hot fixes? IE: you must be at least after this hot fix or something like that, this way we can keep the servers updated with the cool functionality, have a choice for preference things (3rd person, cross-hairs)? Irrespective of that, really great work! keep it up man! (also get some sleep bro :P)