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Everything posted by Nikozeer

  1. Nikozeer

    Disconnecting during fight

    I create a account on this forum just to told you, my dev friend, that you need to do something about that... 15 sec disconnecting is too short, people are abusing it and it's broking the gameplay Everytime (i mean 80% of time on public server, because on private this is a bannable) the player who engaged you long distance is disconnecting when he take a shot or when he see you rushing I think 1 minute timer will be perfect, people will complained because its too long but hey its dayz you are running across the map for hours so a minute wont be too much (also it will probably slow down server hopping) Thank you for reading me, i hope you will consider my post ! -A dayz survivor since january 2014
  2. Nikozeer


    Eating pattern is very good right now. Yes, you have to eat a lot before you get stuffed, but there's food and animals everywhere, if you dont find it, you're doing it wrong way. Try kill zombie maybe Dont change it please