Well me personally have never found an axe. And I prefer the up close Silent Ninja Kills of Melee weapons, vs the COD Soldier weapons that draw a horde of infected. I did the latest update and have been killing with the hatchet. Love it, although it sometimes makes the infected get knocked back like 50feet when i hit them, kinda funny. I need more melee weapons. Bats, Machete's, Swords, Spears. Hell all of them may even be in the game, but I have yet to see them. So if they are in game they need more spawns. But a Machete has always been my ideal weapon in case of a zombie apocalypse. But as far as Axe Vs Hatchet. Honestly if this was real life and you had to kill zombies, almost nobody would pick an Axe to kill zombies with. It's heavier, and takes longer to swing. A Hatchet is made to be used with a single Hand, and its sharp. In a Jam like you get ambushed a Hatchet is the more logical choice to fight your way out with vs a Axe which the infected can grab the handle very easily. But if it was up to me Axe's, and Hatchet's are nice. A TOMAHAWK is WAY Better. About the size and weight of a Hatchet, still has the axe head on one side, with a nice big spike on the other side. I would love nothing more than to spike a zombie with a Tomahawk, then chop the head off with the second swing. (My person real life Tomahawk) United® M48 Kommando Survival Rescue Axe Yellow