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Super Avnas

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Everything posted by Super Avnas

  1. Super Avnas

    Clunky reloading issues?

    I first played DAYZSA on day1 so please dont dismiss this thread as noob rage, and i'll try and stay specific here. when using something like a shotgun, or the 1shot 7.62 rifle, i found that reloading is a deathtrap now. which obviously with a 1 chambered rifle is an issue. because you can no longer move in inventory, you get quicky caught up on by zombis trying to load a round, when surely it should just work with the game's "R" reload command. another similar issue with pump actions that caught me offguard on top of this is that you have to manually pump the shell with R but R doesn't have anything to do with shell loading. even when you have magazines, R just seems to pop the one in the chamber.
  2. Super Avnas

    clunky crafting issues?

    i get that the whole "take it into your hands to do something" thing is to increase immersion, but considering the old drag in inventory system it's really kind of odd. i'd prefer it if you could do everything in inventory with dropdowns, THEN it plays the ingame animation.