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Adam Yanis

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About Adam Yanis

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. One day my friend started coughing and sneezing and I got his disease transmitted to me. Went to the medical buildings, took 5 full packs of codeine pills, tetracilin pills, charcoal, alcohol tincture, epi pens Sat next to a camp fire for an houre nothing fixes this http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/stupid.gif
  2. Adam Yanis

    Official servers deleted?

    Why dont any game officials respond or tell people about servers getting deleted every week?
  3. Adam Yanis

    Official servers deleted?

    I guess I will just use whatever I can carry on my person and pvp on the airfield
  4. Adam Yanis

    Official servers deleted?

    Yeah nice one
  5. Adam Yanis

    Official servers deleted?

    Great there was an update I login and im bleeding like crazy for no apperant reason, never got hit by zombies even 2 hospital grade bandages didnt stop the bleeding just lost all my other gear I still had left, thanks bye uninstalled. So called stable branch funny, not.
  6. Adam Yanis

    Official servers deleted?

    So last week I was playing on an official server I collected alot of stuff and made 2 tents, all of a sudden all BE servers stop to exist and get renamed to NL multiplay.com servers with different IP's.... There were about 200 server's available all high population. Now there are only 10 servers available all low population. Whats the point of building a base if the servers get deleted the next week after? All my gear and effort is lost.. I used to play on BE <number > Multiplay.com server with IP