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Everything posted by Str8Dumpin

  1. My intentions were for you all to enjoy this video. Str8
  2. Str8Dumpin

    Hacking must be stopped

    I'd give my left nut for a 5 hour session without losing all my shit to a scripter. I'd give my right one for a Private Server password. I play legit, so does my team, no dc no dupe no ammo sploit no tears. Anyone got one we can hang out on?
  3. Str8Dumpin

    UH-1H Takes A LOT of Fuel

    When you're done sucking at this game feel free to man up and challenge yourself. Me and one other person fixed a chopper yesterday 100% legit. The reward was an awesome flight around Chernarus. The feeling of accomplishment was REAL and we felt like a couple of winners. I hope you lose your server if I may be honest. I've been playing a Ruleset on stream for a while now, ever since I stopped sucking at the game: No DC No Dupe No Tears One Server Man Up
  4. Str8Dumpin

    UH-1H Takes A LOT of Fuel

    I wanna punch this mofo in his face irl.
  5. Str8Dumpin

    Plane Taxi Attempt

    Was on a carrier for a few years, but never had this opportunity as I was an electrician below decks. I saw him sitting there, as if he was waiting for a taxi and salute before take off. So I went for it.
  6. Str8Dumpin

    What a wonderful world

    Footage is from one survivor, in one night, during one long session on US 329. July 20th, 2012. No DC ruleset was followed. I lobby'd once all night, outside of combat, for a bio break. GG to the guys who shut me down later on.
  7. Str8Dumpin

    What a wonderful world

    Hey thanks for the beans! The Lee Enfield and myself are in a serious relationship. I might pop the question soon.
  8. Str8Dumpin

    DayZ Stories

    30 hours in game, day 2, 443 zombie kills... A bro I've been gaming with for 9 years runs me over. Thanks J3ster! Love you bro!
  9. once you learn to play... you can get rare guns everyday without server swapping or disconnecting on a full server with 50 players and playing totally legit i do it on my live stream, that is.. when I'm not getting ran over by my own team on accident! there are tons of players just like me, and even more that are better than me. this thread is a trap, save your money and get better at the game. you'd just get shot and lose the guns, or develop an attachment to them. go practice before ever buying a gun with money lol. point is: dont buy his guns, shiet I'll give you some guns just PM me, and they will be free! there, I just took a dump on your business model. I got about 4 tents full of legit-earned guns. you need them PM me, you'll have to wait till I die so I've got nothin to lose during trade, but yeah, free.
  10. Str8Dumpin

    Spawned without my m107...?

    I lost 2 Rifles inside an Alice pack, same deal, switched servers in the wilderness near my tent. Load the server with my tent and the 2 rifles turned into stuff I was picking up earlier IE: tin cans! Fuuu
  11. He screams "friendly" as I waste him and score a Bandit kill. His name was BrandonAdmin. He was not alone, he was in a group of 3 rifle-bearing bandits. His two buddies DC inside the shack, too scared of the pistol-bearing monster outside. 12 minutes, the entire incident here: http://www.twitch.tv...pin/b/324869004 [watch close as three people enter the corner shack near the balota airstrip, there is no exit from that area, besides the area I have a visual on. his two friends disconnect in fear while hiding inside the industrial shack.] 20 seconds, "Friendly Bandit" Kill: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-8A80k0xbc I recover from 6k blood after the incident: http://www.twitch.tv...pin/b/324874341 I'm still alive BrandonAdmin, if you three want a rematch feel free to stop by my "No DC Ruleset LiveStream." Although I'm pretty sure you have changed your name by now. You and your two pals could use some real direction on how to go about playing DayZ. Like a man. Stop by and watch me watch you, die or DC; whilst I man up and play fair as does my entire team.
  12. Str8Dumpin

    Zombie aggro?

    The zombies are broken. They are not noticing anything. Only a few are acting normal, the rest stand there and wait for death. The game is a Deathmatch now. Zombies are EZ.
  13. Str8Dumpin

    Bear Traps : Do they exist?

    Says those videos are from Single Player mode and he doesn't even know where to find them? Are they in PVP? Pretty sure they are an urban legend like the "No-Reload Hatchets" and the "Friendly Guy" who just wants to NOT shoot you and stuff.
  14. Str8Dumpin

    Using An Axe Only?

    The Hatchet is one item that gets you everything else. I start each survivor by finding a Hatchet. My team always has a Hatchet Man. You have to imagine you are holding a ten foot broad sword when equipping a hatchet, ATM it has incredible range that you can take advantage of. A Hatchet man is very important for disposing zombies in a quiet and timely fashion. I run with a team who play a no-DC-ruleset. We need as much silence as possible, while still being able to travel at a fast zombie-aggroing pace. Since we never DC and like to stay Oscar Mike, we have constant zombie aggro. You can even farm a whole town of zombies for food, drinks, etc using only a Hatchet. As a Hatchet man, I have personally acquired a UAZ for my team yesterday, on Seattle 30. A group of 2 pistol and rifle bearing survivors cruise up to me at full speed on the train tracks in Cherno. One jumps out of the UAZ expecting me to run. Instead, I do the opposite and immediately rush the vehicle and AXE him a question as he's getting out. I one-shot him in the face, his legs break and he dies. I hide behind a broke down vehicle next to their UAZ and see the driver exiting the UAZ. At this point he is assuredly wondering what lethal question could have caused his friends demise. Yep, I AXE him the same question while he shoots me. We all die, but I ran back faster and the UAZ is safe in my teams hands. SMF|Str8Dumpin
  15. Str8Dumpin

    Telepathic groups of survivors

    I remember when I talked to strangers. Ah, the good ol' day. Yep ONE day, ever since then I kill on sight. All three people in that video are doing it wrong. You'll learn. Just imagine they are whispering, or using tactical hand signals. As for the close range engagements, just imagine they have done that before and know the drill.
  16. Str8Dumpin

    Video - AS50 Quad Kill Short Video

    But do you disconnect?
  17. Hello survivors! My DayZ Youtube playlist: First up, Lee Enfield VS Helicopter: DayZ || No DC Ruleset Livestream http://www.twitch.tv/str8dumpin Enjoy, and thank you for your time.
  18. Twitch.tv/Str8dumpin Hello ladies and gentlemen! I would like to invite you to my live stream DayZ with Ruleset. Ruleset: No DC in or near combat. No DC in immminent danger. No DC server swapping for loot. Only DC if safe in wilderness or involuntary. What does this mean for you the viewer? Disclaimer / Additional Information. -This means I wont always have NVG's and a ghillie since I wont spend any time server swapping in the back of a building for gear. You, the viewer, might or might not be entertained by such a thing. It also means that I will earn everything I have on one server if possible, from start to finish, and try to record my inventory before logging. Again, you might or might not enjoy this. -I will live stream every life I live if possible from here on out. I was introduced to DayZ during and I love it so far. My personal best is 334 Zombie Kills and 30+ hours alive, while rolling with "Wingman." You probably got us beat, but it's a hard life when your wingman is all the way in Canada. -Farming zombies in safe zones is currently allowed. My playstyle includes looking for an Axe, and then anything goes. -I will play with viewers if they have Skype or Ventrillo, and a Mic. Me and the Wingman have a one strike policy for FNG's. -I recently broke my legs at the NE air strip and had to go John McClane on the top of the air tower, during Life #13. I killed all the Z's, then managed to fall off the tower ledge somehow. I was totally ready to crawl to Berezino but oh well. Life #13 - Dead. Life #14 starts now! Feel free to stop by! Sincerely, Str8
  19. Str8Dumpin

    DayZ w/Ruleset [Live Stream] - Str8

    Me and Wingman met up with a viewer yesterday. He had some sick sniping skills. Props to "Whiskey" for stopping by and good hunting, was fun lets do it again. Life # 23 continues now! http://www.twitch.tv/str8dumpin
  20. Str8Dumpin

    DayZ w/Ruleset [Live Stream] - Str8

    Thanks Codus and to those who stopped by! Some highlights from the last few nights: The Plane Was A Lie, Life #13: Stole a bike during Life #14: A not worth it Hatchet chase and kill, Life #18: Life #18 - After killing a guy with a hatchet, I was left with 1600 blood and fractured legs. I managed to crawl across Cherno with little vision, and passing out. I enter the hospital, but no morphine. I crawled to the tents where I found some. I hit the edge of town for some boars, headed back to town still passing out and with 1600 blood. I cooked the boars near the church while surrounded by gunfire, and now I'm safe with full blood! How long will I last? I am live again right now! www.Twitch.tv/Str8Dumpin
  21. 1-Does anyone know if yesterdays gaming "outage/hive Ddos" caused tents to empty? Did anyone's tent survive yesterday? Were you active in it or afk all day? Because ours is empty and we were very active before and during the lag prior to the outage. :( I am wondering this because we are in one of two circumstances: a player found our tent and we should move our HQ, or it was an outage and we can just restock. AND 2-Can anyone give me an update on how long tents last after death now? I've heard anywhere from 2 days to 7+ days. Before you tell me to give up on tents: I understand the game is in alpha and tents are not completely stable. I have read the Unofficial Tent Contract and I understand all terms and willingly sign. I still love tents. I am willing to lose 3 more alice packs, 10 weapons, and a ghillie suit just as we did yesterday. Me and my wingman can easily survive 10+ gaming hours. Tents are awesome, bugs and all. Sooner or later it's "tent time." We embrace the bugs and are willing to lose tents over and over. I just have these 2 questions, and was wondering if any of you could answer them. Thank you, and may we never meet in game.