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    Ability to rotate items in inventory

    Thanks a lot to developers. We can see that feature in experimental branch update.
  2. Hello, dear developers. Please, add the ability to rotate items in inventory, we all waiting this and hope we'll be still alive when it will be real, thanks.

    How to fix fuel leak in ADA

    Thank you, I found another car and put all wheels before enter it and car works good. I followed your advice, thank you.

    How to fix fuel leak in ADA

    NTX_Nitrix, tnx for the answer, but I'm not holding my own server, I'm just another one player and want to know, why one ADA burns fuel faster then other ADA and how fix it.
  5. Hello, community. I've got a trouble with a car. We found it with wheels in textures, car was jumping, and, I guess, it was damaged, how to fix it? It consumes gas much more faster than my friend's ADA... Please, help me.

    v.1 tents

    You don't need a tool to place it. You should hold left button to place it, just like man said in previous post, but also you have to find appropriate place. e.g. : If this place isn't appropriate you'll see tent's shape as good as in bad place, but it will be not so white and more transparent. Also if place appropriate you'll see two tips to your actions, for pressing left button and holding it, if place isn't appropriate you'll see only one tip. Sorry for my english, my native language is russian.

    Cant see a collum in my inventory?

    You right and I knew it before, but I need to buy new display for this, it will be nice if developers fix the problems with 5:4.

    Пойдет ли игра dayz?

    По идее должен, точно никто тебе не скажет, только если у кого-то такая же конфигурация. У меня: Win7x64 AMD A6-5400K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (2 ядра по 3.6) AMD Radeon R7 200 Series (1 ГБ) 8 ГБ ОЗУ На минималках в поле/лесу ~45 фпс, в городе чуть ниже, где-то ~37. При этом иногда DayZ съедает полностью всю оперативу, хочет еще, а еще нет, в таком случае он вылетает. Конечно железо еще многим кроме описанного характеризуется, но я в этом не силен, знаю только про шину видюхи и частоту у ОЗУ. Вообще, в стиме можно возвращаться средства за покупку, так что если не пойдет вернешь. Либо попробуй скачать пиратку и по тестить её, прежде чем покупать лицензию.

    Cant see a collum in my inventory?

    I have the same problem

    How to make tent live longer?

    What do you mean? you can't place it in forest?

    How to make tent live longer?

    Thanks a lot.
  12. Hello. Recently I'd read that tents lives 45 days and after this disappearing. How I can reset this counter? I should remove all items from the tent's storage and re deploy it, or this counter resets after ever interaction with tent's storage? I know that on community servers it will happens faster. Could you answer me, please?

    How to get Headlight from a box?

    Developers fixed this issue in last patch, so topic can be closed. Thanks.

    How to get Headlight from a box?

    Ok... thanks a lot.
  15. Hello, forum. Could you answer, how I can get Headlight for a car from the box? Tried: 1.Open just like an ammo box; 2. To combine with knife and every tool. 3.Instert box in a car. But it isn't working...