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Everything posted by ScribblyPixels

  1. ScribblyPixels

    UK players?

    I’ve mostly played DayZ on my own for a while now on Xbox and PS5 but I’m looking for new friends to roll with in the UK (just really for time sync) on Xbox specifically. I do prefer community servers that aren’t crazy modded (too much makes for worse lag). I’m 44 but immature so bare that in mind lol. I don’t play every day but here and there on week nights.
  2. ScribblyPixels

    UK players?

    Oh you’re on PlayStation? I thought this was the Xbox one so I posted about that. But yeh I’m on both.
  3. ScribblyPixels

    Kill Confession

    I spawned in at the airfield right behind two crazy geared guys. I had a pistol and not much else. I didn’t wait to die when they didn’t reply and began to try and shoot me. I popped bullets into them. It should nit let you spawn right next to someone like that.