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Clutch (DayZ)

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About Clutch (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Clutch (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    yeah this happens for me as well, same area.
  2. Edit: Either Thankyou, or don't worry about it. hey guys, was playing in a server that restarted, upon restart was thrown into the middle of this arena full of tents with running players everywhere. I disconnected rejoined another server and now i just keep spawning in the debug plains with half my gear, i really want to keep this player he's a week old and has some amazing gear and stats. would seriously appreciate a respawn back on the map. Player name: -CiC- Clutch. Player I.D: 17247814 hopefully not a common one. cheers guys. thanks for all the good work.
  3. Clutch (DayZ)

    Bandit Forum

    My AS50 and I, which i don't intend on swaping for anything. Need some nice sniper spots looking over populated area's. What have you got?
  4. Clutch (DayZ)

    Only one weapon for you!

    m4 cco sd, no argument
  5. This goes out to the poor old =Dotal= clan. US9499 - 11:35PM (+10) So after rolling cherno all day, with constant respawns, deaths and attempts at survival it came my time. A poor soul on the roof of the refinery who tasted my Enfield, upon looting his body I realised he had an AS50, M249 and all equipment... I was set. I entered this server with my fellow clan member as we planned to get him to my level. I picked a spot out the far back (NW) perched on a hill looking over cherno and basically all rooftops. It all started upon spawning to sounds of DMR's, M24's and multiple assault rifles. It then ended with single clean shots. 1 in the refinery, 1 at the apartments, 2 on the hospital roof.... I started to lose count. After basically having murdered every member of their clan with shots ranging from 700 - 800 meters, it resulted in a tally starting from 0 ending on 12 murders and 1 bandit kill. When they all started to respawn over and over again to player kill and hunt my position, i felt it was my place to leave. Needless to say I'm happy with the result as is my scout Pinchh, and I'm not by any means sorry. -CiC- C#*ts in Cherno Live on. -CiC- Clutch out...
  6. Clutch (DayZ)

    True banditry!

    well done sir
  7. Clutch (DayZ)

    Bandit Skin

    This would be my first post on the forum, and i suppose the first time i've given my suggestions in regards to development of a game. But also the first time to have the chance to do so which is kind of exciting i guess. In regards to the bandit skins personally i feel they need to be implemented back into the game. A combination of what Arch suggested, a number of kills to become a bandit. But also another way to defer from accidental kills. Could be the players choice to count a player kill as a murder or not, but also have an engine in place to force a bandit status after a number of cold blooded murders to therefore eliminate people being able to hide the fact they are a bandit and constantly kill in cold blood. obviously it would not have to be done in that exact way but thats one idea for a solution to being able to better predict what a player might do. this gives players both the option to choose whether they are a bandit or survivor, but after a number of recurring murders would result in a forced bandit status. Hence giving a true representation of who is who, a greater chance of survival giving better grounds for a more intense realistic style of game play which the game is trying to maintain.