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W0ox 7

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Everything posted by W0ox 7

  1. W0ox 7

    Emote Wheel Not Working

    So is there a fix for this or what. I’ve tried to delete my player profile on my Xbox that didn’t work. I’ve tried to delete my player profile and uninstall and reinstall the game and that hasn’t worked. I’m feeling like maybe it’s a server issue on Daisy side. Any ideas Bohemia ? I’d like to be able to commit suicide when I get spawn all the way across the map from where I want to be it would be very helpful to be able to fix it
  2. W0ox 7

    Emote Menu not working

    Any way to fix the menu ? I can only go in the right and left of the menu but not the up and down so I can’t commit suicide if I spawn all the way across the map. My friend can’t use any of them . Wondering if someone has a fix for this?
  3. W0ox 7

    Emote Menu not working

    Anyone know of a fix for this ? Maybe developers?
  4. W0ox 7

    Everything’s gone?

    So me and my friends spent a few days gathering material and all of yesterday building a huge base. Then we get no message received and when we reload in the whole things gone including our buried sea chests and large tents only cars are left. This was server 4164 can dayz creators explain why this has happened with out a update wiping the server ?
  5. W0ox 7

    Everything’s gone?

    What a bummer, figured it would be safe until they do the next update. Hate that Everything is so pointless, it’s basically a run and gun game. Sad cause it’s not what the games about. Hope they can make it more stable soon.