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Everything posted by papsh

  1. papsh

    Night is a problem.

    Making pitch black night isnt a solution. Maybe its better for Bohemia to close the servers cause nobody will be left in the servers playing with flashlights. In DayZero mod they let the ''gamma abusers'' to ''abuse'' (we had similar problems there as well) and when everybody is using it , theres no problem. (its similar to 3rd person abuse system :) ) Go figure... I wish Tansien (the creator of DayZero) to start making DayZero SA and judging by his old work he will do miracles.
  2. papsh

    Night is a problem.

    You know many things pilgrim but you are wrong. I live outside the city in a pretty dark place and i know the things you mentioned unless im blind, but my point is that all this ''super realistic world'' cant be done by these devs and some people here pushed them to make something they cant do. Im pretty sure people wanted a nice pvp open world experience here and at the end they got diarrhea and a toilet paper. Have fun with that.
  3. papsh

    Night is a problem.

    These kind of ideas destroyed the game and after 5 years is still broken. Obviously its not only devs fault. (DayZ mod nightime was fine especially in DayZero.) eyes adjust to darkness...... hahahaa wtf are you smoking ??!! ITS A GAME its not super realistic dude !!! If a game was super realistic then nobody will play it because it will take millions of hours to play a game !! How many have millions of hours to spend in a game ??????!!!
  4. papsh

    Just a question...

    DayZ SA started as an improvement to the successful DayZ Mod. Why the hell you didnt follow the most successful DayZ mods out there like DayZero (DayZero devs manage to fix bugs that not even Bohemia was able to fix back then) and Epoch servers ? Its the logical thing to do but still you are struggling making a game 5 years later and its still broken with lots of garbage survival elements/broken zombies and lots of other useless and broken things. You released 1.0 and its broken. Lots of people were waiting for this , twitch had 50k users streaming only to found that its broken again. Im sorry but you need to fire some people from the company. Why the hell you have stamina in a running game from the coast to the north ? (Its like you want on purpose to annoy everyone!!) Why the inventory is so shit and you need to remove the gun from your hands so you can move the fucking water in your hands so you can drink it and then remove the water from your hands and put the gun again there ?!!! (Right click and drink the fucking water ffs!) Why brightness isnt working and its pitch black everywhere ? How the hell squads can have a proper fight ? Whats the purpose of the ruined clothes ffs ? Is this also part of the so called realistic philoshophy in a game ? This ''realistic'' is destroying the game. Zombies.... pfff Laggy animations.... I could write for hours...