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Everything posted by Valish33

  1. Valish33

    Experimental Update 1.0.150183

    Please developers fix the persistence I'm tired of living doing backups to the server! Take my money and invest in competent workers. PD: Puto If you're reading this
  2. @tyladrio could you help me? do you have discord?
  3. Valish33

    Dayz standalone recommened Server hardware specs

    i7 6700k 16gb ram 3200mhz SSD 500GB It works great!
  4. @tylandrio do i need intall bec before install this tutorial? or this packet include all? PD: Sorry for my english, im from Argentina!
  5. Its works for me, but my server do not load the mods. any solution ?
  6. Valish33

    I can't get mods to work on my local test server

    I did, this is my start.bat file @echo off TITLE DayZ SA Server - Status COLOR 0A :: Variables:: ::DayZServer_64.exe path set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer" ::Bec.exe path set BEC_LOCATION="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\battleye\Bec" :::::::::::::: echo Agusanz goto checksv pause :checksv tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq DayZServer_x64.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "DayZServer_x64.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto checkbec cls echo Server is not running, taking care of it.. goto killsv :checkbec tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Bec.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "Bec.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto loopsv cls echo Bec is not running, taking care of it.. goto startbec :loopsv FOR /L %%s IN (30,-1,0) DO ( cls echo Server is running. Checking again in %%s seconds.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto checksv :killsv taskkill /f /im Bec.exe taskkill /f /im DayZServer_x64.exe goto startsv :startsv cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting DayZ SA Server... ccd "%DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION%" start DZSALModServer.exe -scrAllowFileWrite -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 "-profiles=ServerProfiles" -dologs -adminlog -freezecheck -cpuCount=8 "-mod=@DisableBaseDestruction;@BuildAnywhere;@BuilderItems;@Trader;@RPCFramework;@Permissions Framework;@Community Online Tools" FOR /L %%s IN (45,-1,0) DO ( cls echo Initializing server, wait %%s seconds to initialize Bec.. timeout 1 >nul ) goto startbec :startbec cls echo Starting Bec. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting Bec.. timeout 1 >nul cls echo Starting Bec... timeout 1 >nul cd "%BEC_LOCATION%" start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg goto checksv
  7. Valish33

    I can't get mods to work on my local test server

    Zze can you explain to me how to set up the DZSALModServer? already have a batch file to start my server, i visited http://www.dayzsalauncher.com/#/tools but I don't understand where i have to Define the launcher options from DZSALModServe.exe PD: Sorry about my english, im from argentina!