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About Skeletor777

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Skeletor777

    after every update server wipe???

    its annoying to build every week a new base , and it seems that u get more and more problems ... it would be nice if u test the updates and try to save the database or try to get better servers .... sorry its only the truth and facts .. cuz I dont wanna play this game everytime from the beginning with no clue or sense everytime u farm things it has no sense cuz u lost your stuff over and over .. cuz all week u get a wipe ... idk whats happening right now , cuz I logged in and my caracter has lost all the inventory and I spawn everytime with yellow or red bars (food , drink) - broken -
  2. Skeletor777

    Some bugs

    We found some special bugs .... Cant place Tents in normal (flat areas) Building a gate with metal wire will freeze the server (right now , before patch 12/12 was fine ) some crafting setups wont work , like traps , bow , ropes out of guts , Everytime u drive with a car and zombies will spawn u lag out and drive trough walls....
  3. Skeletor777

    Some bugs

    We found some special bugs .... Cant place Tents in normal (flat areas) Building a gate with metal wire will freeze the server (right now , before patch 12/12 was fine ) some crafting setups wont work , like traps , bow , ropes out of guts , Everytime u drive with a car and zombies will spawn u lag out and drive trough walls....