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Everything posted by rolo989

  1. rolo989

    Xbox Update 12/12/2018

    Have you addressed the grainy/fuzzy screen effect at night time? If not, are you at least planning on addressing it? Any and all responses I've seen from development on this matter have suggested lowering the brightness/gamma on the TV settings. That can't be the definitive resolution requiring me to change my TV settings every time I am playing DayZ at night. My night times were practically pitch black prior to the last update, so clearly my TV's brightness/gamma settings are not heightened to a level considered abusive. I'm not one to usually complain, especially since I knew I signed up for a "Game Preview" when I bought this, but it's a little frustrating when devs have always seemed willing to admit they are aware of issues needing to be addressed, yet on this particular matter their responses have only suggested gamma abuse and needing to adjust TV settings.
  2. I know this game is in "Game Preview," so I've refrained from complaining at all when issues arise after updates. However, I've seen this issue being brought up several times by players, but it's hardly been addressed with a real answer. Regarding the fuzzy/grainy night time after recent update... I realize the intent for implementing these gamma abuse settings, but the recent update has caused my screen to go fuzzy despite my TV settings not being adjusted to any high level of brightness. Prior to the update, my screen was nearly pitch black at night times, so clearly I didn't have my TV settings heightened to "abuse" the gamma. Most developer responses on Twitter and in the forums haven't acknowledged the possibility of this being corrected, rather their only solution offered is to adjust your TV settings. I don't feel like I should have to adjust my overall TV settings (which I happened to like very much for watching TV and playing any other games on Xbox) to resolve this issue every time I want to play this game and it turns to night time. If prior to the update my screen was virtually black at night time, then how is it possible that my settings are at a level considered abusive? This isn't a "me" or "my TV" problem. It's been nearly a week now since this update, and not one acknowledgement from developers of this issue and their willingness to work on it to get it right. I just want to know if this is something being considered, or if this is what to expect of night time moving forward. Thank you.