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Everything posted by Tbuc

  1. Tbuc

    Lead Pipe crafting

    I would like the ability to craft an improvised suppressor with the lead pipe. Maybe combining the hacksaw to cut the lead pipe then combining the cut pipe with a teddy bear. Make the lead pipe suppressor last a bit longer than the plastic bottle version. I also would like to see a homemade shotgun using buckshot and the lead pipe. A lead pipe bomb would be cool also. Combine hacksaw with lead pipe then combine lead pipe piece with the gunpowder in shotgun shells.
  2. Firearms with folding stocks should take up less space when stored inside of a container.
  3. Tbuc

    Tents xbox

    I found a medium sized tent yesterday at a chopper crash near Zelenogorsk on American server MI 8282. That server has persistence turned off but I still couldn't find any high tier weapons on it, even at the chopper crashes. Dupers appear to be running strong on persistence off servers also I suspect. Good luck.
  4. Tbuc

    zombie dogs

    Zombie strippers would make them game more interesting too! Chick's though not dudes in a speedo!
  5. Tbuc

    Servers missing

    I think it would be hilarious if duped guns stopped working. Might as well be playing laser tag!
  6. Tbuc

    On my travels today

    Taking the duped gear does feel a bit cheap but its about the only way to even see an AK or M4 besides getting mowed down with one on the coast as a freshie. I miss the days of actually finding good gear in military bases and chopper crashes.
  7. Tbuc

    zombie animation for players

    I like this idea. One way to do it now is when you have low health combined with walking slowly but it doesn't last long because of regeneration of health.
  8. Tbuc

    Servers are up! Character wipe! *end thread*

    I'm gonna have to try that!
  9. Tbuc

    Servers are up! Character wipe! *end thread*

    I got wiped. I just found an SVD yesterday too and had scavenged up about 10 boxes of nails. Damn nails are hard to find but I can find tons of useless epoxy putty.
  10. Tbuc

    Welp, game broken again.

    I had the same problem when micro managing items into barrels before this most recent patch. The game would freeze in inventory and I would have to restart the game. I haven't tested the barrels after this patch though but it's probably still the same.
  11. Tbuc

    A lot of risk with zero reward.(and snow)

    I like your idea there. The police zombies having a holstered pistol or shotgun on shoulder would be cool.
  12. Tbuc

    A lot of risk with zero reward.(and snow)

    They should have made Nato bases in the south and Eastern bases in the North. You want an AK go to a Eastern base, want an M4 go to a Nato base etc. When I first played dayz I though that is the way it worked but I was wrong. They could even put in Nato zombies on Nato bases.
  13. Tbuc

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    I agree with this. I lost everything within and hour no way anyone or group raiders could have found all of my buried stashes and barrels. The stuff either despawned or Bohemia did some kind of down low server wipe.
  14. Tbuc

    Dissapearing tents at server restart?

    Same here, Man. I lost my tent full of stuff, all barrels and my base I was building in a different location. All of my buried stashes are gone I had over 20 scattered about. My car full of stuff was right beside my tent is still there. This sucks, it took along time to gather all that stuff and makes me not even want to play anymore. My server is US server ending in 4200. Anyone else on that server have the same thing happen?