So, I've literally done everything by the book here. Not sure where the disconnect is.
So far I've;
* Forwarded Ports- 2302, 8766, and 27016
* Created a Static IP using the info I pulled from ipconfig/all in my CMD
* Downloaded the DayZ Server from Tools in Steam
* Set my launch parameters via CTRL+C/CTRL+V in the StartServer.bat file
* Created exceptions in my Firewall for said Ports
* Managed Exclusions for said Server in my MalwareBytes
* Set my DayZ game to Experimental
* Repeat all steps at least 10 times so far
So there are only a small handful of videos going around on how to set up a dedicated server. I've followed them all step by step multiple times. These guys seems to just have theirs pop up in the Community/LAN server list when they launch the game no issues. Mine, however, does not. I've even tried connecting VIA my IP:Port. Still nothing. I'm going mad at this point.
20:13:03 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.217)
20:13:04 SUCCESS: SteamGameServer_Init(0,8766,2302,2305,3,0.63.149525)
20:13:04 Host identity created.
20:13:04 Roles assigned.
20:13:04 Reading mission ...
20:13:13 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing OFFLINE
20:13:13 [CE][Hive] :: Loading core data ...
20:13:13 [CE][CoreData] :: 7 root classes, 0 defaults, 0 updaters...
20:13:13 [CE][Hive] :: Loading map data ...
20:13:13 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\cfgignorelist.xml" does not exist...
20:13:13 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 227 prototypes
20:13:13 488 containers, 7160 points
20:13:13 0 dispatches, 0 proxies
20:13:13 !!! [CE][LoadPrototype] 5 groups have no points...
20:13:13 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Land_Wreck_Volha_Police...
20:13:13 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: loaded 0 prototypes
20:13:13 0 containers, 0 points
20:13:13 0 dispatches, 0 proxies
20:13:13 [CE][LoadPrototype] :: last group name: Rail9...
20:13:13 [CE][LoadMap] "Group" :: loaded 11553 groups, largest group range: 34.2
20:13:13 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml" does not exist...
20:13:13 !!! [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: Failed to read group instances ($CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xml)
20:13:14 [CE][LoadClusters] "Cluster" :: Loading files...
20:13:14 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster.xml", 9 types, 50000 instances
20:13:14 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster01", 9 types, 50000 instances
20:13:15 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster02", 9 types, 50000 instances
20:13:15 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster03", 9 types, 50000 instances
20:13:15 [CE][LoadClusters] :: file: "mapgroupcluster04", 9 types, 17207 instances
20:13:16 [CE][TypeSetup] :: 368 classes setuped...
20:13:16 [CE][RegisterBind] :: 0 classes binded...
20:13:16 [CE][RegisterConfig] :: 2531 config classes registered, 1 sub-counters...
20:13:16 [CE][offlineDB] :: Loaded 33 dynamic events 205 total types 0 total positions.
20:13:16 !!! File "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\messages.xml" does not exist...
20:13:16 [CE][DynamicEvent] Load Events:[33] Primary spawners: 33 Secondary spawners: 0
20:13:16 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\vehicles.bin" 92 items.
20:13:17 92 items loaded.
20:13:17 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_000.bin" 793 items.
20:13:17 793 items loaded.
20:13:17 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_001.bin" 1740 items.
20:13:17 1740 items loaded.
20:13:17 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_002.bin" 2677 items.
20:13:18 2677 items loaded.
20:13:18 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_003.bin" 2246 items.
20:13:18 2246 items loaded.
20:13:18 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_004.bin" 2113 items.
20:13:18 2113 items loaded.
20:13:18 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_005.bin" 2368 items.
20:13:19 2368 items loaded.
20:13:19 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_006.bin" 1827 items.
20:13:19 1827 items loaded.
20:13:19 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_007.bin" 1704 items.
20:13:19 1704 items loaded.
20:13:19 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_008.bin" 2636 items.
20:13:20 2636 items loaded.
20:13:20 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_009.bin" 3038 items.
20:13:20 3038 items loaded.
20:13:20 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_010.bin" 1989 items.
20:13:21 1989 items loaded.
20:13:21 Restoring [Storage] file "mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\dynamic_011.bin" 250 items.
20:13:21 250 items loaded.
20:13:21 [CE][Hive] :: Storage load took 4.58 seconds
20:13:21 entity: 24894, building: 0
20:13:21 no lifetime: 28
20:13:21 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing ...
20:13:21 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing spawners ...
20:13:21 !!! [CE][Point] Removing 13339.060547, 11969.413086 from Land_Boat_Small1
20:13:21 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Item [0] is hard to place, performance drops: "BoxCerealCrunchin"
20:13:21 [CE][LootRespawner] (PRIDummy) :: Initially (re)spawned:171, Nominal:24674, Total in Map: 23684 at 0 (sec)
20:13:21 tests:173, repeats:1 fails:1, overtime:0
20:13:21 [CE][DynEvent] :: 33 types
20:13:21 [00] AmbientHen
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Ambient", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [01] AnimalCow
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [02] AnimalDeer
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [03] AnimalGoat
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [04] AnimalPig
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [05] AnimalRoeDeer
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [06] AnimalSheep
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [07] AnimalWildBoar
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [08] AnimalWolf
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Animal", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [09] InfectedArmy
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [10] InfectedCity
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [11] InfectedFirefighter
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [12] InfectedIndustrial
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [13] InfectedMedic
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [14] InfectedPolice
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [15] InfectedPrisoner
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [16] InfectedReligious
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [17] InfectedSolitude
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [18] InfectedVillage
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Infected", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [19] ItemPlanks
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Item", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [20] Loot
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Loot", active: yes, repeat: 2
20:13:21 [21] StaticHeliCrash
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [22] StaticPoliceCar
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [23] TrajectoryApple
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [24] TrajectoryCanina
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [25] TrajectoryConiferous
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [26] TrajectoryDeciduous
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [27] TrajectoryHumus
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [28] TrajectoryPear
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [29] TrajectoryPlum
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [30] TrajectorySambucus
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [31] TrajectoryStones
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Trajectory", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [32] VehicleOffroadHatchback
20:13:21 Primary Spawner: "Vehicle", active: yes, repeat: 1
20:13:21 [CE][Hive] :: Initializing of spawners done.
20:13:21 [CE][DynamicEvent] Save file [mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.bin] [33] event types.
20:13:21 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished.
20:13:21 Player connect enabled
20:13:21 Mission read.
20:13:21 Connected to Steam
20:13:21 Steam policy response
20:13:26 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [251] items.
20:13:28 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [2002] items.
20:13:29 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [3064] items.
20:13:30 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [2655] items.
20:13:31 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [1757] items.
20:13:32 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [1828] items.
20:13:34 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [2374] items.
20:13:35 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [2118] items.
20:13:36 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [2250] items.
20:13:37 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [2708] items.
20:13:38 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [1745] items.
20:13:40 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [797] items.
20:13:40 [CE][Storage] Saved data file [92] items.
20:13:42 [CE][DynamicEvent] Save file [mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\events.bin] [33] event types.
hostname = "Zurvivor"; // Server name
password = ""; // Password to connect to the server
passwordAdmin = ""; // Password to become a server admin
maxPlayers = 60; // Maximum amount of players
verifySignatures = 2; // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. (only 2 is supported)
forceSameBuild = 1; // When enabled, the server will allow the connection only to clients with same the .exe revision as the server (value 0-1)
disableVoN = 0; // Enable/disable voice over network (value 0-1)
vonCodecQuality = 7; // Voice over network codec quality, the higher the better (values 0-30)
disable3rdPerson=1; // Toggles the 3rd person view for players (value 0-1)
disableCrosshair=1; // Toggles the cross-hair (value 0-1)
serverTime="SystemTime"; // Initial in-game time of the server. "SystemTime" means the local time of the machine. Another possibility is to set the time to some value in "YYYY/MM/DD/HH/MM" format, f.e. "2015/4/8/17/23" .
serverTimeAcceleration=12; // Accelerated Time (value 0-24)// This is a time multiplier for in-game time. In this case, the time would move 24 times faster than normal, so an entire day would pass in one hour.
serverTimePersistent=0; // Persistent Time (value 0-1)// The actual server time is saved to storage, so when active, the next server start will use the saved time value.
guaranteedUpdates=1; // Communication protocol used with game server (use only number 1)
loginQueueConcurrentPlayers=5; // The number of players concurrently processed during the login process. Should prevent massive performance drop during connection when a lot of people are connecting at the same time.
loginQueueMaxPlayers=500; // The maximum number of players that can wait in login queue
instanceId = 1; // DayZ server instance id, to identify the number of instances per box and their storage folders with persistence files
lootHistory = 1; // How many persistence history files should be kept by instance, number is looped over during save
storeHouseStateDisabled = false;// Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
storageAutoFix = 1; // Checks if the persistence files are corrupted and replaces corrupted ones with empty ones (value 0-1)
respawnTime = 5; // Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) before the player is able to get a new character on the server, when the previous one is dead
motd[] = {"Welcome to Zurvivor 1pp server!","Hardcore Zombie Horde Survival!"}; // Message of the day displayed in the in-game chat
motdInterval = 0; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message
maxPing= 500; // Max ping value until server kick the user (value in milliseconds)
timeStampFormat = "Short"; // Format for timestamps in the .rpt file (value Full/Short)
logAverageFps = 300; // Logs the average server FPS (value in seconds), needs to have -dologs launch parameter active
logMemory = 300; // Logs the server memory usage (value in seconds), needs to have the -dologs launch parameter active
logPlayers = 300; // Logs the count of currently connected players (value in seconds), needs to have the -dologs launch parameter active
logFile = "server_console.log";// Saves the server console log to a file in the folder with the other server logs
enableDebugMonitor = 0; //shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1)
steamQueryPort = 2305; // defines Steam query port, should fix the issue with server not being visible in client server browser
class Missions
class DayZ
template="dayzOffline.chernarusplus"; // Mission to load on server startup. <MissionName>.<TerrainName>
@echo off
start "C:\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer" "DayZServer_x64" -instanceId=1 -config=serverDZ.cfg -profiles=Zurvivor -port=2302 -cpuCount=4 -noFilePatching -dologs -adminlog -freezecheck
Note: I've also tried -port=2305 in the .bat as well. No luck. Any ideas?