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About Limitedpower

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    On the Coast
  1. Limitedpower

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Here are my known issues playing on the regular xbox one and also some ideas/thoughts towards better gameplay for all. KNOWN BUGS/GLITCHES MASSIVE FPS drop when checking any "storage" that is over 200 inventory space Any inventory that exceeds the page slots can not be scrolled down to without removing items towards the top to get to the bottom items Touching cars with your character will send them into a lag dance/send them flying into the air Disconnecting from server while in a car will kill your/teams character 80% of the time (% matched from 100 attempts) Barbwire can be picked up by anyone (makes it useless to assemble) US servers are still constant rain (FIXED) Cutting a tree down by a vehicle and entering/reentering will have "tree falling" audio until relog Carrying/using any shotgun will instantly crash/disconnect user from server 100% of the time Stepping into two or more beartraps within a ten minute period will cause constant health loss (can not recover until character dies) Can only "ring out" shirt and backpack (can not ring out pants) Construction lights can be turned off by any player but only turned on by player who placed generator and lights Wild life is removed from the map when raining (besides wolves) Hard FPS drop and audio latency when entering/going through big cities Jumping on a zombies head (while it is standing) makes player invincible to bullets until zombies killed from underneath Character's "jumping" audio is canceled out if two or more players are walking in the perimeter while raining All zombies will aggravate towards a player carrying a screwdriver (even if another player kills them) Zombies glitch through windows if aggravated on a player inside a structure Camo netting on military style tents disappear when you close the door (have to open door and remove then reimplement camo into slot) Can not attach barbwire to barbwire Regular picket fences do not count as structures while driving until the car is on top on them Killing a player that has a backpack with 95+ inventory slots filled will instantly crash player accessing the dead player's inventory Car gears are glitched (sometimes R will be gear 1/sometimes gear 3 with be reverse and 4 will be neutral making it undrivable) These are just a few issues I've noticed and attempted multiple times to see if they are a reoccurring issue. HUGE ISSUE: The game MUST implement locations around the map for players to "jump servers" or have whoever does "server hop" have to stay on the server hopped to up to 24-72 hours if the game is going to go forward with the "base building" within. EX: At the moment, any "opposing" player is able to scout very little of a player's base and be able to "server hop" and walk into the opponent's base at any location within the base and server hop back and steal whatever that player has and server hop out, walk a good distance away, and relog back into the original server. It makes "building" in Dayz useless let alone using any storage unit (structure/vehicle) that is above ground useless for storage. Would be nice to see a "option tab" for car handling/sensitivity. Doing this, in my opinion, would eliminate the "duping" process almost all are using that I know of. Hope this helps this great game go forward! Happy Hunting! -Limited